Weekly Changy

Weekly Changy

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Ah, it's you again

Popularity is getting to me at the moment, I am quite impressed with the views so thanks!

I am not impressed with my performance however, I call this the 'Weekly Changy' however it doesn't seem to be the case. I don't really want to change it to 'Sometimes Posting Changy'. I do have an excuse though, so I hope to you that is reasonable.

For those of you whom are on the same course as me at the University of Derby, you will know that the Media Law minor assignment is due very soon, and so this is what I have been doing. Before typing it, I was thinking to myself, I type like no tomorrow when I want to blog to you about general stuff thats going on with me every week, so to simply type a 1,500 word essay about the media influences in law and legislation...hang on..... as Im typing this, my lovely miss Abigail Armstrong, is distracting me with cookies that have been delivered to us from Domino's so bare with me whilst I eat one...

Ah, much better. I am one cookie up.

Anyway as I was typing, my media law minor assignment is 1,500 words and when thinking about typing I was thinking: "Surely I will be able to get it done quick because it doesn't take me long to blog so maybe?" But from now just finishing it, everything that I typed I was constantly looking back at what I had just typed, where as when Im blogging, I hardly ever look back on what I've typed. So at the moment, as Im blogging to you sat in my desk chair about to go and see Paranormal Activity 3, It is the middle roughly of reading week, which I think should be changed to 'Do all your work, and catch up because your behind, oh and also do some reading week' sound better?
Thats basically what you do and what presently it's designed for. If any of you lecturers are reading, which Im sure your not, but if you are, its true, don't deny it.

I have made the most of my week and a bit to be honest with you. Minus twenty four hours ago I was in Oxford for the first time. Have you ever been to Oxford? it is a very interesting place. Every building is what I labelled "Harry Pottery" Amazing place, what really got to me was the little things, such as a really nice KFC! most KFC's I've been to have been shocking, the one in Ellesmere Port, Birmingham, Derby and Liverpool. The one in Oxford was actually like a little restaurant. Another small thing was the lack of cars. Everyone is literally on bikes, there's more bikes there than children, or, so it seemed. My trip to Oxford got better, Me and my Abigail, met up with Lauren Armstrong's friend Isra Hale. For those of you that know her, she originally lives in a place called Pleck, which is an area around Birmingham I believe, with the news that someone from Pleck had got into Oxford University was big news for Pleck. So I've been told that she had an article in the local newspaper of her Confirmed place in Oxford.
I wonder if 'The Frodsham Chronicle' were considering to do an article of my triumph getting into the University of Derby... if they were, it would probably be headed:

"local changy gets into Derby University, what and asshole"

Anyway when looking around with amazement in Oxford University, we met some students of Oxford, and you know what? yep you guessed it, from your imagination of what Oxford students would be like, you are indeed correct. Yep you are very right reader, they were all retarded. If there's one thing I love, apart from Abigail, it's leading you on to something that will end up funny, If you didn't laugh, I'm sorry I couldn't help it. They all generally seemed super intelligent, and hardly any of them are from Oxford, strange huh.
What I do enjoy, when meeting someone new, is when you can just tell that they are extremely intelligent, and you talk to them about diverse and complicated subjects, obviously in their field of expertise. I don't know why but when speaking to people like that, for instance Alex Thornthwaite, I can't remember what your studying, 'something science' I enjoy discussions about scientific theory to you. That is, when I ever speak to you, which so far has been at Dance Festivals. I don't know whether you, the reader know anyone that is rather intelligent, I'll give you time to think.... anyway I don't know whether you do that too,  but I love doing it.

Yours Sincerely

James Chang

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