Weekly Changy

Weekly Changy

Monday 10 October 2011

Rebooting James Chang... 53%

Moving further along now. Im still trying to remember the things that happened after that really. Well I know what I can tell you that I remember finely. Our house.
Sounds strange, but I do, my main memory at this time, November/December time, was how cold the whole house was, and it didn't stop being cold for about 3 months. Our boiler, which to me, sounded like it was an empty metal box but had a goblin with a wrench inside, and whenever we wanted it on, we would hit the switch, then our goblin would smack a couple of things, and then the boiler itself would fart, letting out a some, but not long lasting heat.
Waking up in the morning, and opening that bedroom door, the cold would hit through me and send shivers everywhere. I may as well been outside.
If this blog that I am typing to you was a video, then I would simply do a montage for this bit. Not much that went on, well from what I remember.
The routine for me does not stop.
Christmas comes along, and from what I remember, was very good, was nice seeing everyone again.
New Years comes along, which I manage to get time off from work to go to Cocoon in BarFly in Liverpool.  Usual suspects, me and Dave once again, raving it up. I would also like to announce that I did NOT lose my wallet that night.

January 6th 2011.
So practically the beginning of the new year. Its Sunday, I have work as usual. I get in my car. Im Driving out of my drive, and turn right to get out of the cul de sac. BAM! .....

what have I done? ....

Yep, you guessed it. After that whole blog titled 'Why Now?' which if you haven't read, was me detailing the events of my car's power steering failing, was me very annoyed and down about it. Thinking back to that, that was nothing compared to what happened. In a second. First thing I say out loud. "Oh shit". I assume, you who has been reading, gather as to what had happened.
Yep, I had hit a cow that exploded onto my car with guts everywhere, the severed head flew into the air and smashed through a window into my house. I was just about to type that I wish that had happened instead, but mind you that would not have been a nice replacement.
So instead of the cow, it was indeed, a car. A Ford Focus estate, silver. Funnily enough when getting out to view the damage, I see that the Ford has more damage than mine. The driver gets out. He's about 5.9, short, yet bushy black hair, early 50's, wearing lets just say old man clothing. First thing he says to me "Thats your fault." not "Are you okay?" so Immediately I want to crash my fist into his face now. I simply state that we shouldn't blame anyone until the insurance companies decide. Second thing he says to me"Are you saying it's my fault?". Can you see my frustration at this point? anyway thankfully there is a witness, whom thankfully defends me by stating of the massive blind spot that was to my disadvantage.
I ask the annoying man for his insurance details. I didn't have or know mine and so a phone call to my dad will be needed in a minute. " I don't have mine in my car it's at my house just up here so you will have to come to my house to get them". This is the third thing he has said to me and at the moment he's not making a name for himself in my book. Phil Dann was his name, I remember now, If you who is reading know him, whether your are mates with him or not, get him to read this because I want him to hate reading this.
As much as I do not want to go back to this guys house, I know that I have to. So I do, his house was nice, looked like he had a bit of cash on him, and it looks like he is going to try and get more off my insurance. The rest of this story is pretty boring but I will type you what happened in the end.
Two weeks go by and day in day out Im having phone calls with my insurance company. So in the end, Its my fault unfortunately, which was annoying. Upon hearing this information from the insurance guy, he also tells me that this Phil Dann, is also claiming 'Minor Back Injury'. Now lets think for a minute. I am a firm believer of Karma. Whatever you give out to this world you will only receive it in time. So since then, Im sure he has not had a pleasant year, where as, I have looking back at it now.

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