Weekly Changy

Weekly Changy

Monday 10 October 2011

Rebooting James Chang... 91%

As I was typing away at the previous post I recall typing that I would mention the events as well as the university modules to report. It was all about the university modules but nothing on the events.  Well first to come would be the stages of moving into the new house. Yep me, Seon and Kenny this time, would be moving into a terrace housing 2 minutes away from the house we were in at the time. I was hoping for a real boiler, not a metal box with a goblin smacking things inside. A room with NO mould or damp in would also be nice, and a landlord that actually responds to messages, ones that are urgent as well. This is what I was hoping for.
Okay so this was the plan. Me, Kenny and Seon would pack are things up, get a rental van and pack are things into the van. Leave it and go stay somewhere for one night (contract says that we couldn't move in on the day that our contract expired at the previous house.) and then go and pick up the van and head to the new house. Quite complicated, but you understand yes? well you can't respond to me at this time of reading it so I'll carry on. It got a lot more complicated. Okay so before leaving the house, everything had to be cleaned, and everything that belonged to ours had to be out. The day of leaving, I had off, however the day of moving in, I had work at 12:45pm. So there wasn't much time to unpack everything into our house on the day. The night where we had no where to live so to speak, Kenny and Seon had a hotel booked and I was staying at Abi's in halls, so that was all sorted. You still with me? this was the plan over the course of 48 hours:

Pack everything that is ours
Clean everything in the house
Go pick up the van
Drive the enormous van to the house and pack into van
Leave in drive overnight, Kenny and Seon stay over in hotel and I stay with Abi
Go and pick up Kenny and Seon from hotel at 8:30am, drive to agents to pick up keys at 9:00am
Drive to van location and carefully drive van to new house
Unpack everything before 12:00pm
Drive van back to rental place and drop it off
Get cab back to  house

Fit in breakfast somewhere if you like...

I am thrilled to tell you the majority of this went to plan. In fact I had task number one complete a day before moving, had everything packed. Where as Kenny and Seon had, lets just say about 9% packed. The day of moving out went to plan, but it was very stressful on us all because of the lack of packing done by Kenny and Seon. As organized as mine was, we were falling behind on time because Kenny and Seon were still packing, in which I had to help out. It came to the point that whatever was theirs, was just thrown into whatever bag we could find and throw it in the van.
Driving a van. Have you ever done that? because up to this point, I had never driven a van, and Im surprised at how fun but tricky it was to drive (this is coming from the person thats been driving a mini).
I would do it again, but driving it down narrow roads is tough, and stressful. I could not have accomplished such a task without a co driver, who at the time was Kenny.

So with finishing off moving into the new house it came to late July. Well I would say as a celebration to finishing the first year and successfully moving into a new house,  it was time for me and Dave Collins (rave dave, or just Dave) to head to Global Gathering. I hope you, the reader, have been to Global Gathering. Especially to the one just gone. It was brilliant. When we get to Stratford Upon Avon, it is a town that looks like it has not changed since the shakespeare times (speak of the devil). What I enjoy about going to a dance festival is when your driving to a quite remote place in Britain, and there are other cars heading in the same direction, at first you think it is coincidence that they're driving in the same direction, but more and more miles go by and they're still there, you then notice that they are all excited as you are. I love it. Whats also great about dance festivals is how everyone is so friendly with you. Usually you wouldn't get a "Hiya mate you all right?" if you bumped into someone nowadays. Im sure it is not just dance festivals where you experience these things. Obviously the best thing about it is you meet the people that love the music you love. I love it.

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