Weekly Changy

Weekly Changy

Friday 14 October 2011

A Continuacion...

So now from having written all of those reboot recaps of the events of me over the past 12 months, this is the first time that I will be reporting to you with a nice fresh up to date news!

Further more I have found that I am gaining popularity in which I must thank you all for reading. Including you seven people from Finland.

So this is what's going down. Since my University life is on the roll again I have started with my modules as usual and Ive been waiting for some time for the moment where your module tutors brings the heavy news of your work that your about to endure. I mean its been about a month now, and its like a tension in a horror film. Waiting to find out what you have to do up to christmas. To be honest I am struggling whether to decide with myself whether the work I have to do is easy or difficult. In the middle I would guess. The new modules are now as follows:
Radio Production Skills
Radio Production 2
Media Law
Media Research Project
Work Based Learning
Well this is for the autumn semester only. Already I knew that the most difficult one out of those was to be Media Research Project, and you know what? it is.
Radio Production 2 involves me in producing a 30 minute radio program. Of course for this I am in a group who consist of myself, James Chew and Markus erm, I can't  remember his last name. If any of you who know Markus, be sure to comment on this blog of his surname (sorry Markus).
For Media law and Radio Production Skills, I am still to this moment not 100% clear on what I am supposed to do. Im you will know more about it than me. Media Research Project looks the most difficult. To be accomplished is a 4000 word essay on a topic of your choice, accompanied with a 1000 annotated bibliography. Sounds hard right? my subject title sounds even more confusing, which is: Convergence of old media content to new media technologies. Yeah I know.... how?

So basically Ive got all of that whirling around in my head. What I've also got whirling around in my head is the concern of whether I will have the time to tell you all about it and any other going ons in my life at the moment.

I love typing about my mini you know. Everything I have had to type about my car is never good. I would like to state that my car is good. It is a good car, I have lots of good times with it. But obviously as you all know now, Ive had lots of problems with it. Guess what? Yep, one more thing about my car, Ive got a service tomorrow for it. I don't know how much its going to cost but apparently its not going to be cheap. I do wonder if everyone that owns a mini has similar problems? I mean having a service isn't a problem, every car has a service, but I mean just in general. If you ever get to meet me, you will probably find that my car has more fame than me.


This is me, thinking back at the week just gone, and my god my mind is blank at the moment. Usually I remember what to type after I've posted it. Typical.

1 comment:

  1. just wanted to let you know that Alex is in Finland ATM so it might be him lol
