Weekly Changy

Weekly Changy

Monday 10 October 2011

Rebooting James Chang... 86%

I've been laughing to myself before I started typing this part of my reboot because only now have I noticed that my blog is primarily supposed to be about my University experience. Well if you are a common reader of my blogs, which Im sure nobody is, I haven't stated much about my University experience. Well we are 86% percent complete of the reboot of James Chang so I guess this is the part that I can report along with other personal events that have occured so far this year.

Well once again if this was a video there would be a montage for this bit. I want to get up to date with me at the moment, and so most of reboot is slightly brief apart from the events that have happened to me that I am annoyed of or enjoyed myself a lot. I can just tell that as soon as I finish with typing up my reboot that I will remember things that I want to type, or I will remember other events that happened. Im sure Im not the only one that does that.

So I report to you now the events of July and my Uni work. lets start with the Uni work. At this point of the year all of my work has finished for the summer and I am glad to tell you that I have passed the first year and will begin the second year of my University life. That, and my new life in a new house.
The completion of my first year saw me accomplish the following:

A web page that was attached to and main website that my and my group published.
A group presentation that was about the Narrative & Semiotics in Friends.
An Audience Research survey and an essay report on my findings.
A Documentary on Tutbury Castle.

Some things went well, others did not. If lecturers of these modules read this part of my blog, Im sure they would make comments to me about it. I don't care though, its my view on it, regardless if it sounds rude or stupid, I don't know whether it will, but Im pre warning.
My Web page that I created, sounds difficult. Practically it wasn't, but in technical terms it was. Learning the terms along the way as you were producing your page was probably the way to do it. The group I worked with consisted of: James Chew, who I am currently working with in the early stages of the second year. Lewis Carter, who I am also working with briefly in Radio Production Skills. Both chaps are good to work with, creative, and streaming with intelligence and humour. The third was Andy Carroll, whom is also a great guy to work with. In all fairness, Andy was the brains behind the production of our website, he knew more than anyone else (don't get offended James or Lewis, it's from my perspective!). So in this time of need of great intelligence on webpage design, Andy was our man. I have not seen him at all since this end of this module which is odd, because I have seen everyone else. Anyway the module wasn't that great for me. I had work all day, and then when coming out of work I would have to go straight to the lecture, and spend the evening in the dark room with the computers all on, and having Mark, our lecturer attempting to teach me things about Dreamweaver. He did at times, it wasn't his fault, it's just that I was very tired every time I was in there.
If any of you have had to go to work for eight and a half hours, and then got out, and then had to drive to Uni straight to a lecture for 3 hours, then you know how I felt. Its not great.
For my group presentation, which was labelled 'Mass Media in Contemporary Contexts', yeah sounds tricky, but surprisingly not. I luckily learned about semiotics in college, and so when it came to talking about the part of the subject, I already had a good idea about it. The end of that module saw me do well, I won't go into detail because I have waffled on loads in this part of the blog. When it came to 'performing' our presentation in a room of just over 16 people. My group were the first to go on, and I was first to start. Nervous as hell, but in the end I was smooth and cool (Honest! you can even ask Phil Sinclair, whom was part of my group!).
Audience Research was probably the module that I put the most effort into. Mainly because I thought of it as the most difficult, I understood, but I was paranoid of getting wrong. The moment when you are nearly finished typing and essay and you look back on what you have wrote and it either doesn't make sense, it's repeated, or wrong. I hate when that happens, and so that is what I was afraid of.
 The Documentary of Tutbury Castle. Well what can I say about that? thankfully to you who is reading, you may be wondering when this blog is ever going to end? but I can tell you that there is not much to say about this module. The pre production, filming stage that myself, Abigail Armstrong, and at times Becky Mckay conducted went very well. The filming stage in perticular was very good as relations were built between ourselves and the client. A great place to get shots, and thankfully we got a lot of footage. Now If I am to say a few words about the editing stage and the final stages of the module I would sum it up in a sentence, which is this:

The editing was done by the other group members' boyfriend, who we didn't even know, Overnight before the deadline.  

The thing is that didn't make any sense is that we had finished the filming stage of the documentary 1-2 weeks before the deadline, so why it was only done overnight I do not know. This other group member, who I can't be bothered naming because I don't even want to give her a name, completely finished the editing, and when we all met up on deadline day, she showed us what her boyfriend had done. Well edited I must admit, although he's used footage on the tape that was prototype shot footage, that shouldn't of been used had been used. The main concern that was on my mind was what he or she had put for the credits, the end is near for the video. Do you want to know what happens next?

She presses escape just before the credits come on. The DVD stops. The disc ejects. She swipes it and puts it back in the folder. Still to this day, I have not seen the credits of this documentary. Im sure you also are thinking what I've been thinking too. To be honest I've just completely disowned that documentary, so I now don't care.
The true help that I got in that module was of my dearest girlfriend Abigail Armstrong. I have noticed that I have not mentioned my love for this woman in any of my posts. I would just like to take up this time for the reader to know that I love Abi. Just so you all now know. Im sure when she reads this she will engage in a what I call 'shy face'. I hope she does. I love her.

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