Weekly Changy

Weekly Changy

Sunday 13 November 2011

Your Wish list?

About a week ago now, I was approached by Kenneth Barnett, asking me to vote for this online wish list that was being held by T3 (The competition is now closed unfortunately). His wish list was limited to a number of prizes obviously for the competition, but none the less it got me thinking what is my wish list. In fact, what is YOUR wish list? and would what you got, help you very much right now?

I guess that 's something to think about throughout reading my blog. If you've thought of your wish list then let me know! I would love to hear them.

Now I know I am a bit late with posting my latest weekly blog and for that I apologize. With all University work fluffing me about and general work to do, ah well, you've heard it all before Im sure.

As I sit here typing and thinking at the same time, I try and think of the best highlights of my past 1 & 1/2 weeks. Well with a busy roter like the one I have, things have been pretty normal. Nothing crazy really to report. From thinking muchly, this is what I got....

In university me and my radio production group that consists of myself, Marcus Bonnick and James Chew, have progressed well in our module, there's only reason why though, and thats because our guest tutor (but not really) simply told us in the previous lecture, that:

 A) We were all very far behind, as a class
 B) To go out and "actually do some work"

And so on the Thursday just gone, 4 hours before the lecture was due to start, I engaged in what you could produce as an epic montage of the entire project coming together. James Chew doesn't actually know this, so if your reading this then, yes, I did do it, and guess what? its almost done! already!

As far as work goes, I had a man come up to me. Who didn't know much english, ask me something that went like this: (as far as I was to translate terrible mumbled english) * means mumble.

The Man
"Excuse me, I was looking at this haagen daz, and ***** flavours. Where is ****** other ******* Flavours **** in box? also the meatballs they were ********** and now *********** so what? Whilst your here, ************************************************** weight lifter? yes? Knives. Where the knives?"


What would you do in that situation? I swear to god thats all I could decipher from his message. It was a combined combo of questions he wanted to ask me. Truthfully I only knew the answer to one question asked (that I could decipher)

"Aisle 111"

I would of loved to reply with "Ass." but I couldn't unfortunately. Its very hard to try and give out answers to questions you don't fully understand. Im sure you have been in that situation one time.

Now usually I would end this weeks blog with a report from University life and Work. However, there is more, and no reader, its is not for once, about my Mini. By the way it's okay at the moment if you are wondering. My career, in fact. I got in touch with a local radio station known as Erewash FM 96.8. Turns out they wanted to meet me, in which I went and met them. With expectations as *They are a local radio station. This could mean getting a part time job there instead of work experience and getting paid* thats the expectation I had. Unfortunately they were a community radio station. Voluntary only. Not too bad, as I looked around the station, I see little difference to d:one radio in University. The studio room is a little bit bigger, and they have a meeting area. There's other rooms, but I find them pointless to describe to you readers because they would be rooms in which would not be of any use to me or you for that matter.
Work experience is still on the cards here so there is a light at the end of the tunnel of this saga I suppose. So this is what I end it on, a message to you, reader....

Dear Reader
         What is your wish list?
               let me know!

James Chang

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