Weekly Changy

Weekly Changy

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Rebooting James Chang... 100%

So now we have reached the completion of the reboot. Which I am pleased with. Im pleased because now when it comes to events or work in Uni that I wish to type about, I will be able to remember (hopefully) a lot better and can explain about it in more detail. Yay.

I must press with the bad news that this year, I am not going away. I know to some of you that sounds normal. But to come from the guy who has very luckily been away every year of his life (literally, Im not joking, I went to Menorca when I was 1 years old. Don't ask me to write about it, I can barely remember what happened last year) its pretty bad news. However looking positively, I have managed to go to Global Gathering this year AND head to Creamfields. Which is what part of this post reports.

First of all, the new house. I briefly touched on the process that occurred upon moving into our new house, but did not state at how nice and a million times better it was. We have real boiler, which is a start. We have a comfy couch and a comfy lazyboy chair that isn't from a skip. We have a shower that actually showers you in water, not spit at you, and we have more radiators in the house which means more drying clothes and more warmth. In fact I haven't felt cold in the new house since we moved in.

Our landlord, Doug, which took us a long time finding out his name. You know when you get talking to someone, you go really in depth in conversations and it gets to the point it would be embarrassing to ask for his name again. Yeah thats what our problem was. Doug, is a landlord who is new to being a landlord and I must say he is the finest. He has taken care of us as if we are all family. When we have needed things repaired/wanted, he's given it to us. That sounds like that we're using him, but trust me that would be absurd of us to do such a thing, we are grateful. To have your landlord fix your own toilet seat was a big surprise to us, and just from him doing that was brilliant, especially when you compare it to the previous landlord.
Doug has not only just fixed the toilet seat though, he has done many other things to the house. Things that would qualify him in your christmas card list lets put it that way.

So thats the house covered. University is up and running again now. 2nd year has begun. The feeling of going back to school. To most of you Im sure its not a pleasant feeling. The feeling of going back to college. To most of you it also might not be a pleasant feeling. The feeling of going back to University? Felt very pleasant indeed. Call me a geek, but yes I was glad to go back. I don't know why, just the hunger to get back to it I guess. I enjoy the challenge. Seeing almost everyone from previous semester has been enjoyable. To be honest with you if it wasn't for looking back at Uni first year I would of never of found my blog site again.

Creamfields. The most anticipated event I've been waiting for all year. Expectations are very high, since Creamfields last year and Global Gathering this year was so good. On the day of Creamfields, its raining. Which Im sure you festival goers know isn't a good start. When we get there which took about 40 minutes, its still raining, a bit harder than before. Unlike Global, everyone around us pretty miserable too. Lets not get our heads down now though! we've only just got here. So I arrive once again with Dave Collins and Alex Thornthwaite. We all get geared up and head to the queueing area. I have a got a big camping back pack, which has got most of my stuff in, I am also carrying my tent and wellies all in one hand. Dave has got a ruck sack on his back and something else in his hands I can't remember what it was. As for Alex, since this is his first time at a festival, had medium sized bag of his belongings and everything else he had was in his hands. which was his tent, his quilt and his pillow. Lets not forget that its raining too.
So as we go through the muddy fields we begin queueing at the entrance. I remember this bit clearly. I look up to the sky and notice that there is a clearing of blue sky in the midst of the grey clouds everywhere. I hope that it comes along and brightens up the area. I was incorrect. I turn around and see and even darker cloud. I hope that it did not come to us. I was incorrect. The rain got heavier. Fortunately for us all, we were all wearing coats. Unfortunately for Alex, his quilt and pillow and tent were exposed to more rain. Not a good start. We wait for about half an hour and we eventually get through the search bit, the rain is on and off. When its on, its really hard rain, the type of rain you do not want to walk around with heavy belongings on you in a field.
The physical strain with our heavy belongings gets to us at this point so we have a little break as the rain dies down. it calms for a bit. Looking back now there was probably no point because we were sopping wet anyway. We trek down and then up through 2 fields. We enter purple or whatever colour campsite it was and notice that there is little room to setup a tent. The rain was coming back again. Fine rain. As we walk up to top bit of the campsite we see about 30ish campers who are/have set up along the wall. So we do so too. We set Alex's up quickly mainly because it was wet and so were the other things in his hands so we wanted to put them in a dry place. We set Alex's up, we are just about to finish setting up mine and Daves when all of the sudden two security guards come over. They tell us that we cannot pitch up here because of health and safety. I don't really know what the danger was but from then they kept coming back every 5 minutes to move all 30 of us along.
Let me put you in the situation
Your sopping wet from the rain. Your coat has failed to keep you dry, you drenched through. Your mates things that he is going to sleep in are also drenched. You have to un-pitch 2 tents which you've just spent 15 minutes doing. You have no idea where your going to go. The rain isn't stopping and is hitting you with force. What would you do?

I have not told  Dave or Alex this but when I was in that situation I wanted to just go home. To just forget everything and walk out, and go home. But I didn't go home. There was one thought that speared me on to stay, and that was that everything will get better, after all this was just the beginning of the festival. I am pleased to tell you that it did indeed get better. The horrible task that lay before me and Dave was to go scout, and hunt down a new space to camp, and bring all of our stuff too, in the rain. After 20ish minutes of looking for somewhere, in the rain, we eventually did find a spot.

Festivals are great. There's no doubt about it. But my god can it not be horrible experience sometimes. Honestly rain and mud combined can make your experience terrible.  Amen.

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