Weekly Changy

Weekly Changy

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Ah, it's you again

Popularity is getting to me at the moment, I am quite impressed with the views so thanks!

I am not impressed with my performance however, I call this the 'Weekly Changy' however it doesn't seem to be the case. I don't really want to change it to 'Sometimes Posting Changy'. I do have an excuse though, so I hope to you that is reasonable.

For those of you whom are on the same course as me at the University of Derby, you will know that the Media Law minor assignment is due very soon, and so this is what I have been doing. Before typing it, I was thinking to myself, I type like no tomorrow when I want to blog to you about general stuff thats going on with me every week, so to simply type a 1,500 word essay about the media influences in law and legislation...hang on..... as Im typing this, my lovely miss Abigail Armstrong, is distracting me with cookies that have been delivered to us from Domino's so bare with me whilst I eat one...

Ah, much better. I am one cookie up.

Anyway as I was typing, my media law minor assignment is 1,500 words and when thinking about typing I was thinking: "Surely I will be able to get it done quick because it doesn't take me long to blog so maybe?" But from now just finishing it, everything that I typed I was constantly looking back at what I had just typed, where as when Im blogging, I hardly ever look back on what I've typed. So at the moment, as Im blogging to you sat in my desk chair about to go and see Paranormal Activity 3, It is the middle roughly of reading week, which I think should be changed to 'Do all your work, and catch up because your behind, oh and also do some reading week' sound better?
Thats basically what you do and what presently it's designed for. If any of you lecturers are reading, which Im sure your not, but if you are, its true, don't deny it.

I have made the most of my week and a bit to be honest with you. Minus twenty four hours ago I was in Oxford for the first time. Have you ever been to Oxford? it is a very interesting place. Every building is what I labelled "Harry Pottery" Amazing place, what really got to me was the little things, such as a really nice KFC! most KFC's I've been to have been shocking, the one in Ellesmere Port, Birmingham, Derby and Liverpool. The one in Oxford was actually like a little restaurant. Another small thing was the lack of cars. Everyone is literally on bikes, there's more bikes there than children, or, so it seemed. My trip to Oxford got better, Me and my Abigail, met up with Lauren Armstrong's friend Isra Hale. For those of you that know her, she originally lives in a place called Pleck, which is an area around Birmingham I believe, with the news that someone from Pleck had got into Oxford University was big news for Pleck. So I've been told that she had an article in the local newspaper of her Confirmed place in Oxford.
I wonder if 'The Frodsham Chronicle' were considering to do an article of my triumph getting into the University of Derby... if they were, it would probably be headed:

"local changy gets into Derby University, what and asshole"

Anyway when looking around with amazement in Oxford University, we met some students of Oxford, and you know what? yep you guessed it, from your imagination of what Oxford students would be like, you are indeed correct. Yep you are very right reader, they were all retarded. If there's one thing I love, apart from Abigail, it's leading you on to something that will end up funny, If you didn't laugh, I'm sorry I couldn't help it. They all generally seemed super intelligent, and hardly any of them are from Oxford, strange huh.
What I do enjoy, when meeting someone new, is when you can just tell that they are extremely intelligent, and you talk to them about diverse and complicated subjects, obviously in their field of expertise. I don't know why but when speaking to people like that, for instance Alex Thornthwaite, I can't remember what your studying, 'something science' I enjoy discussions about scientific theory to you. That is, when I ever speak to you, which so far has been at Dance Festivals. I don't know whether you, the reader know anyone that is rather intelligent, I'll give you time to think.... anyway I don't know whether you do that too,  but I love doing it.

Yours Sincerely

James Chang

Friday 14 October 2011

A Continuacion...

So now from having written all of those reboot recaps of the events of me over the past 12 months, this is the first time that I will be reporting to you with a nice fresh up to date news!

Further more I have found that I am gaining popularity in which I must thank you all for reading. Including you seven people from Finland.

So this is what's going down. Since my University life is on the roll again I have started with my modules as usual and Ive been waiting for some time for the moment where your module tutors brings the heavy news of your work that your about to endure. I mean its been about a month now, and its like a tension in a horror film. Waiting to find out what you have to do up to christmas. To be honest I am struggling whether to decide with myself whether the work I have to do is easy or difficult. In the middle I would guess. The new modules are now as follows:
Radio Production Skills
Radio Production 2
Media Law
Media Research Project
Work Based Learning
Well this is for the autumn semester only. Already I knew that the most difficult one out of those was to be Media Research Project, and you know what? it is.
Radio Production 2 involves me in producing a 30 minute radio program. Of course for this I am in a group who consist of myself, James Chew and Markus erm, I can't  remember his last name. If any of you who know Markus, be sure to comment on this blog of his surname (sorry Markus).
For Media law and Radio Production Skills, I am still to this moment not 100% clear on what I am supposed to do. Im you will know more about it than me. Media Research Project looks the most difficult. To be accomplished is a 4000 word essay on a topic of your choice, accompanied with a 1000 annotated bibliography. Sounds hard right? my subject title sounds even more confusing, which is: Convergence of old media content to new media technologies. Yeah I know.... how?

So basically Ive got all of that whirling around in my head. What I've also got whirling around in my head is the concern of whether I will have the time to tell you all about it and any other going ons in my life at the moment.

I love typing about my mini you know. Everything I have had to type about my car is never good. I would like to state that my car is good. It is a good car, I have lots of good times with it. But obviously as you all know now, Ive had lots of problems with it. Guess what? Yep, one more thing about my car, Ive got a service tomorrow for it. I don't know how much its going to cost but apparently its not going to be cheap. I do wonder if everyone that owns a mini has similar problems? I mean having a service isn't a problem, every car has a service, but I mean just in general. If you ever get to meet me, you will probably find that my car has more fame than me.


This is me, thinking back at the week just gone, and my god my mind is blank at the moment. Usually I remember what to type after I've posted it. Typical.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Rebooting James Chang... 100%

So now we have reached the completion of the reboot. Which I am pleased with. Im pleased because now when it comes to events or work in Uni that I wish to type about, I will be able to remember (hopefully) a lot better and can explain about it in more detail. Yay.

I must press with the bad news that this year, I am not going away. I know to some of you that sounds normal. But to come from the guy who has very luckily been away every year of his life (literally, Im not joking, I went to Menorca when I was 1 years old. Don't ask me to write about it, I can barely remember what happened last year) its pretty bad news. However looking positively, I have managed to go to Global Gathering this year AND head to Creamfields. Which is what part of this post reports.

First of all, the new house. I briefly touched on the process that occurred upon moving into our new house, but did not state at how nice and a million times better it was. We have real boiler, which is a start. We have a comfy couch and a comfy lazyboy chair that isn't from a skip. We have a shower that actually showers you in water, not spit at you, and we have more radiators in the house which means more drying clothes and more warmth. In fact I haven't felt cold in the new house since we moved in.

Our landlord, Doug, which took us a long time finding out his name. You know when you get talking to someone, you go really in depth in conversations and it gets to the point it would be embarrassing to ask for his name again. Yeah thats what our problem was. Doug, is a landlord who is new to being a landlord and I must say he is the finest. He has taken care of us as if we are all family. When we have needed things repaired/wanted, he's given it to us. That sounds like that we're using him, but trust me that would be absurd of us to do such a thing, we are grateful. To have your landlord fix your own toilet seat was a big surprise to us, and just from him doing that was brilliant, especially when you compare it to the previous landlord.
Doug has not only just fixed the toilet seat though, he has done many other things to the house. Things that would qualify him in your christmas card list lets put it that way.

So thats the house covered. University is up and running again now. 2nd year has begun. The feeling of going back to school. To most of you Im sure its not a pleasant feeling. The feeling of going back to college. To most of you it also might not be a pleasant feeling. The feeling of going back to University? Felt very pleasant indeed. Call me a geek, but yes I was glad to go back. I don't know why, just the hunger to get back to it I guess. I enjoy the challenge. Seeing almost everyone from previous semester has been enjoyable. To be honest with you if it wasn't for looking back at Uni first year I would of never of found my blog site again.

Creamfields. The most anticipated event I've been waiting for all year. Expectations are very high, since Creamfields last year and Global Gathering this year was so good. On the day of Creamfields, its raining. Which Im sure you festival goers know isn't a good start. When we get there which took about 40 minutes, its still raining, a bit harder than before. Unlike Global, everyone around us pretty miserable too. Lets not get our heads down now though! we've only just got here. So I arrive once again with Dave Collins and Alex Thornthwaite. We all get geared up and head to the queueing area. I have a got a big camping back pack, which has got most of my stuff in, I am also carrying my tent and wellies all in one hand. Dave has got a ruck sack on his back and something else in his hands I can't remember what it was. As for Alex, since this is his first time at a festival, had medium sized bag of his belongings and everything else he had was in his hands. which was his tent, his quilt and his pillow. Lets not forget that its raining too.
So as we go through the muddy fields we begin queueing at the entrance. I remember this bit clearly. I look up to the sky and notice that there is a clearing of blue sky in the midst of the grey clouds everywhere. I hope that it comes along and brightens up the area. I was incorrect. I turn around and see and even darker cloud. I hope that it did not come to us. I was incorrect. The rain got heavier. Fortunately for us all, we were all wearing coats. Unfortunately for Alex, his quilt and pillow and tent were exposed to more rain. Not a good start. We wait for about half an hour and we eventually get through the search bit, the rain is on and off. When its on, its really hard rain, the type of rain you do not want to walk around with heavy belongings on you in a field.
The physical strain with our heavy belongings gets to us at this point so we have a little break as the rain dies down. it calms for a bit. Looking back now there was probably no point because we were sopping wet anyway. We trek down and then up through 2 fields. We enter purple or whatever colour campsite it was and notice that there is little room to setup a tent. The rain was coming back again. Fine rain. As we walk up to top bit of the campsite we see about 30ish campers who are/have set up along the wall. So we do so too. We set Alex's up quickly mainly because it was wet and so were the other things in his hands so we wanted to put them in a dry place. We set Alex's up, we are just about to finish setting up mine and Daves when all of the sudden two security guards come over. They tell us that we cannot pitch up here because of health and safety. I don't really know what the danger was but from then they kept coming back every 5 minutes to move all 30 of us along.
Let me put you in the situation
Your sopping wet from the rain. Your coat has failed to keep you dry, you drenched through. Your mates things that he is going to sleep in are also drenched. You have to un-pitch 2 tents which you've just spent 15 minutes doing. You have no idea where your going to go. The rain isn't stopping and is hitting you with force. What would you do?

I have not told  Dave or Alex this but when I was in that situation I wanted to just go home. To just forget everything and walk out, and go home. But I didn't go home. There was one thought that speared me on to stay, and that was that everything will get better, after all this was just the beginning of the festival. I am pleased to tell you that it did indeed get better. The horrible task that lay before me and Dave was to go scout, and hunt down a new space to camp, and bring all of our stuff too, in the rain. After 20ish minutes of looking for somewhere, in the rain, we eventually did find a spot.

Festivals are great. There's no doubt about it. But my god can it not be horrible experience sometimes. Honestly rain and mud combined can make your experience terrible.  Amen.

Monday 10 October 2011

Rebooting James Chang... 91%

As I was typing away at the previous post I recall typing that I would mention the events as well as the university modules to report. It was all about the university modules but nothing on the events.  Well first to come would be the stages of moving into the new house. Yep me, Seon and Kenny this time, would be moving into a terrace housing 2 minutes away from the house we were in at the time. I was hoping for a real boiler, not a metal box with a goblin smacking things inside. A room with NO mould or damp in would also be nice, and a landlord that actually responds to messages, ones that are urgent as well. This is what I was hoping for.
Okay so this was the plan. Me, Kenny and Seon would pack are things up, get a rental van and pack are things into the van. Leave it and go stay somewhere for one night (contract says that we couldn't move in on the day that our contract expired at the previous house.) and then go and pick up the van and head to the new house. Quite complicated, but you understand yes? well you can't respond to me at this time of reading it so I'll carry on. It got a lot more complicated. Okay so before leaving the house, everything had to be cleaned, and everything that belonged to ours had to be out. The day of leaving, I had off, however the day of moving in, I had work at 12:45pm. So there wasn't much time to unpack everything into our house on the day. The night where we had no where to live so to speak, Kenny and Seon had a hotel booked and I was staying at Abi's in halls, so that was all sorted. You still with me? this was the plan over the course of 48 hours:

Pack everything that is ours
Clean everything in the house
Go pick up the van
Drive the enormous van to the house and pack into van
Leave in drive overnight, Kenny and Seon stay over in hotel and I stay with Abi
Go and pick up Kenny and Seon from hotel at 8:30am, drive to agents to pick up keys at 9:00am
Drive to van location and carefully drive van to new house
Unpack everything before 12:00pm
Drive van back to rental place and drop it off
Get cab back to  house

Fit in breakfast somewhere if you like...

I am thrilled to tell you the majority of this went to plan. In fact I had task number one complete a day before moving, had everything packed. Where as Kenny and Seon had, lets just say about 9% packed. The day of moving out went to plan, but it was very stressful on us all because of the lack of packing done by Kenny and Seon. As organized as mine was, we were falling behind on time because Kenny and Seon were still packing, in which I had to help out. It came to the point that whatever was theirs, was just thrown into whatever bag we could find and throw it in the van.
Driving a van. Have you ever done that? because up to this point, I had never driven a van, and Im surprised at how fun but tricky it was to drive (this is coming from the person thats been driving a mini).
I would do it again, but driving it down narrow roads is tough, and stressful. I could not have accomplished such a task without a co driver, who at the time was Kenny.

So with finishing off moving into the new house it came to late July. Well I would say as a celebration to finishing the first year and successfully moving into a new house,  it was time for me and Dave Collins (rave dave, or just Dave) to head to Global Gathering. I hope you, the reader, have been to Global Gathering. Especially to the one just gone. It was brilliant. When we get to Stratford Upon Avon, it is a town that looks like it has not changed since the shakespeare times (speak of the devil). What I enjoy about going to a dance festival is when your driving to a quite remote place in Britain, and there are other cars heading in the same direction, at first you think it is coincidence that they're driving in the same direction, but more and more miles go by and they're still there, you then notice that they are all excited as you are. I love it. Whats also great about dance festivals is how everyone is so friendly with you. Usually you wouldn't get a "Hiya mate you all right?" if you bumped into someone nowadays. Im sure it is not just dance festivals where you experience these things. Obviously the best thing about it is you meet the people that love the music you love. I love it.

Rebooting James Chang... 86%

I've been laughing to myself before I started typing this part of my reboot because only now have I noticed that my blog is primarily supposed to be about my University experience. Well if you are a common reader of my blogs, which Im sure nobody is, I haven't stated much about my University experience. Well we are 86% percent complete of the reboot of James Chang so I guess this is the part that I can report along with other personal events that have occured so far this year.

Well once again if this was a video there would be a montage for this bit. I want to get up to date with me at the moment, and so most of reboot is slightly brief apart from the events that have happened to me that I am annoyed of or enjoyed myself a lot. I can just tell that as soon as I finish with typing up my reboot that I will remember things that I want to type, or I will remember other events that happened. Im sure Im not the only one that does that.

So I report to you now the events of July and my Uni work. lets start with the Uni work. At this point of the year all of my work has finished for the summer and I am glad to tell you that I have passed the first year and will begin the second year of my University life. That, and my new life in a new house.
The completion of my first year saw me accomplish the following:

A web page that was attached to and main website that my and my group published.
A group presentation that was about the Narrative & Semiotics in Friends.
An Audience Research survey and an essay report on my findings.
A Documentary on Tutbury Castle.

Some things went well, others did not. If lecturers of these modules read this part of my blog, Im sure they would make comments to me about it. I don't care though, its my view on it, regardless if it sounds rude or stupid, I don't know whether it will, but Im pre warning.
My Web page that I created, sounds difficult. Practically it wasn't, but in technical terms it was. Learning the terms along the way as you were producing your page was probably the way to do it. The group I worked with consisted of: James Chew, who I am currently working with in the early stages of the second year. Lewis Carter, who I am also working with briefly in Radio Production Skills. Both chaps are good to work with, creative, and streaming with intelligence and humour. The third was Andy Carroll, whom is also a great guy to work with. In all fairness, Andy was the brains behind the production of our website, he knew more than anyone else (don't get offended James or Lewis, it's from my perspective!). So in this time of need of great intelligence on webpage design, Andy was our man. I have not seen him at all since this end of this module which is odd, because I have seen everyone else. Anyway the module wasn't that great for me. I had work all day, and then when coming out of work I would have to go straight to the lecture, and spend the evening in the dark room with the computers all on, and having Mark, our lecturer attempting to teach me things about Dreamweaver. He did at times, it wasn't his fault, it's just that I was very tired every time I was in there.
If any of you have had to go to work for eight and a half hours, and then got out, and then had to drive to Uni straight to a lecture for 3 hours, then you know how I felt. Its not great.
For my group presentation, which was labelled 'Mass Media in Contemporary Contexts', yeah sounds tricky, but surprisingly not. I luckily learned about semiotics in college, and so when it came to talking about the part of the subject, I already had a good idea about it. The end of that module saw me do well, I won't go into detail because I have waffled on loads in this part of the blog. When it came to 'performing' our presentation in a room of just over 16 people. My group were the first to go on, and I was first to start. Nervous as hell, but in the end I was smooth and cool (Honest! you can even ask Phil Sinclair, whom was part of my group!).
Audience Research was probably the module that I put the most effort into. Mainly because I thought of it as the most difficult, I understood, but I was paranoid of getting wrong. The moment when you are nearly finished typing and essay and you look back on what you have wrote and it either doesn't make sense, it's repeated, or wrong. I hate when that happens, and so that is what I was afraid of.
 The Documentary of Tutbury Castle. Well what can I say about that? thankfully to you who is reading, you may be wondering when this blog is ever going to end? but I can tell you that there is not much to say about this module. The pre production, filming stage that myself, Abigail Armstrong, and at times Becky Mckay conducted went very well. The filming stage in perticular was very good as relations were built between ourselves and the client. A great place to get shots, and thankfully we got a lot of footage. Now If I am to say a few words about the editing stage and the final stages of the module I would sum it up in a sentence, which is this:

The editing was done by the other group members' boyfriend, who we didn't even know, Overnight before the deadline.  

The thing is that didn't make any sense is that we had finished the filming stage of the documentary 1-2 weeks before the deadline, so why it was only done overnight I do not know. This other group member, who I can't be bothered naming because I don't even want to give her a name, completely finished the editing, and when we all met up on deadline day, she showed us what her boyfriend had done. Well edited I must admit, although he's used footage on the tape that was prototype shot footage, that shouldn't of been used had been used. The main concern that was on my mind was what he or she had put for the credits, the end is near for the video. Do you want to know what happens next?

She presses escape just before the credits come on. The DVD stops. The disc ejects. She swipes it and puts it back in the folder. Still to this day, I have not seen the credits of this documentary. Im sure you also are thinking what I've been thinking too. To be honest I've just completely disowned that documentary, so I now don't care.
The true help that I got in that module was of my dearest girlfriend Abigail Armstrong. I have noticed that I have not mentioned my love for this woman in any of my posts. I would just like to take up this time for the reader to know that I love Abi. Just so you all now know. Im sure when she reads this she will engage in a what I call 'shy face'. I hope she does. I love her.

Rebooting James Chang... 79%

Mum: "Listen jim, can you book time off in work for the 15th of April to the 18th?"
Me: "Erm yeah I guess so, what for?"
Mum: "Surprise."

So from typing to you about my event with my car once again, which oh yeah! I never told you what happened afterwards, in terms of cost and what not. Well lets just say, it was more than 721 pounds like the repair was for my power steering. It came to a cheeper amount than first told. This was because I went to Mini first for a quote on the repairs, and lets just say, they quoted me a price which I could just buy another car for instead. I thankfully find another place, Mr Clutch in Derby, that can do it for me cheaper. If you are someone that works their I salute you! you helped me out big time. So it comes to an amount that I am once again having to debate to my mum and dad about how to pay for it. I agree this time to pay half of it. Could get the money, but wasn't the greatest time to be using my money.
However my mum and dad had other thoughts. Your mum and dad can be brilliant sometimes, as a child they can sometimes annoy you with their parental care, but parental care, even as a lad of 20 got some serious amazing parental care. They paid all of it. I don't know how but they just did. Parental care I type you! it can be brilliant sometimes.

So going back to the conversation that me and my mum had on the phone which is up there, I was wondering for about 1 and a half months what the hell it was. My Birthday comes along, I become 21. YAY. A good night out in Liverpool with rave Dave, and my lovely Abigail. Was a successful night out, I told people that I was going out for my 21st but didn't really tell them to come out, mainly because I couldn't be bothered with let downs. I have had people in the past letting me down on nights out. Everyone has been and had let downs, they're not nice are they? so I find that there is no point inviting them, you just tell them that you are going to be out, and thats it. It's up to them if they are there or not.  I hate let downs but you can never escape being one at least one time in your life, and I am sorry to say that I have been one too.

After my birthday I finally go back home to wonder what the hell this surprise is. Im heading to London for the weekend. Where was I to stay? The Hilton on Park Lane. Was pretty posh to be honest. I must admit I enjoyed the whole time I was there. We all got first class train down to London, and then did various sightseeing and shopping in the day, followed by going to expensive and famous restaurants for lunch and dinner. If you were to ask me what they were, I couldn't tell you, not because I didn't want to tell you, I don't remember what they were called. Comment on this blog if you know the name of one of them that I will give a description of, One of the restaurants we went to do had a strange name and Michael Caine owns it. If that helps.

Rebooting James Chang... 53%

Moving further along now. Im still trying to remember the things that happened after that really. Well I know what I can tell you that I remember finely. Our house.
Sounds strange, but I do, my main memory at this time, November/December time, was how cold the whole house was, and it didn't stop being cold for about 3 months. Our boiler, which to me, sounded like it was an empty metal box but had a goblin with a wrench inside, and whenever we wanted it on, we would hit the switch, then our goblin would smack a couple of things, and then the boiler itself would fart, letting out a some, but not long lasting heat.
Waking up in the morning, and opening that bedroom door, the cold would hit through me and send shivers everywhere. I may as well been outside.
If this blog that I am typing to you was a video, then I would simply do a montage for this bit. Not much that went on, well from what I remember.
The routine for me does not stop.
Christmas comes along, and from what I remember, was very good, was nice seeing everyone again.
New Years comes along, which I manage to get time off from work to go to Cocoon in BarFly in Liverpool.  Usual suspects, me and Dave once again, raving it up. I would also like to announce that I did NOT lose my wallet that night.

January 6th 2011.
So practically the beginning of the new year. Its Sunday, I have work as usual. I get in my car. Im Driving out of my drive, and turn right to get out of the cul de sac. BAM! .....

what have I done? ....

Yep, you guessed it. After that whole blog titled 'Why Now?' which if you haven't read, was me detailing the events of my car's power steering failing, was me very annoyed and down about it. Thinking back to that, that was nothing compared to what happened. In a second. First thing I say out loud. "Oh shit". I assume, you who has been reading, gather as to what had happened.
Yep, I had hit a cow that exploded onto my car with guts everywhere, the severed head flew into the air and smashed through a window into my house. I was just about to type that I wish that had happened instead, but mind you that would not have been a nice replacement.
So instead of the cow, it was indeed, a car. A Ford Focus estate, silver. Funnily enough when getting out to view the damage, I see that the Ford has more damage than mine. The driver gets out. He's about 5.9, short, yet bushy black hair, early 50's, wearing lets just say old man clothing. First thing he says to me "Thats your fault." not "Are you okay?" so Immediately I want to crash my fist into his face now. I simply state that we shouldn't blame anyone until the insurance companies decide. Second thing he says to me"Are you saying it's my fault?". Can you see my frustration at this point? anyway thankfully there is a witness, whom thankfully defends me by stating of the massive blind spot that was to my disadvantage.
I ask the annoying man for his insurance details. I didn't have or know mine and so a phone call to my dad will be needed in a minute. " I don't have mine in my car it's at my house just up here so you will have to come to my house to get them". This is the third thing he has said to me and at the moment he's not making a name for himself in my book. Phil Dann was his name, I remember now, If you who is reading know him, whether your are mates with him or not, get him to read this because I want him to hate reading this.
As much as I do not want to go back to this guys house, I know that I have to. So I do, his house was nice, looked like he had a bit of cash on him, and it looks like he is going to try and get more off my insurance. The rest of this story is pretty boring but I will type you what happened in the end.
Two weeks go by and day in day out Im having phone calls with my insurance company. So in the end, Its my fault unfortunately, which was annoying. Upon hearing this information from the insurance guy, he also tells me that this Phil Dann, is also claiming 'Minor Back Injury'. Now lets think for a minute. I am a firm believer of Karma. Whatever you give out to this world you will only receive it in time. So since then, Im sure he has not had a pleasant year, where as, I have looking back at it now.

Rebooting James Chang... 15%

Yeah just in case anyone is wondering the previous post has been in my drafts for a year, so what the hell, I published it...

Well let's put it this way, I haven't typed a blog in a very long time just because I didn't want to continue typing about myself, and also the fact that I only started one was for a minor University project. Now though, as I look back on this very simple web page about myself, reading what the last post was, I kind of wanted to continue typing but first I know that you all should be informed as to events has happened to me since then. The pleasant events, and the unfortunate events.


So as I've been thinking about what has happened to me, since getting my power steering repaired, there's been a lot, I mean, it's been a year practically since I've written a blog, so if you know me well, you will know that my memory isn't great. Thinking harder now, I remember that after the repair of my power steering, rememberable events continued onto Halloween. Which was not good. My rave friend Dave Collins comes down from Ellesmere Port, along with other mate Alex Thornthwaite... I think thats how you spell it. I remember it comes to the evening time and I begin pre drinking, and Dave, who is driving to derby with alex, is late. The night for Halloween is to plan to go to Godskitchen Halloween party in Birmingham.
After about half an hour Dave and Alex finally arrive, quick chat, quick drink, quick change into rave gear and quick call to the cab service.
Skipping time now to Dave, Alex and myself, we're getting on a train and about to head to birmingham.
Skipping more time to all of us getting out onto the street and heading to Godskitchen. We get into Godskitchen, have some more drinks and...... thats all I remember.
The next morning I wake up and find myself thirsty, its about 11am and I hear that everyone in the house is up. Now, If you have ever seen 'The Hangover' this was my version of it. I get a knock on the door and its Seon (Sun) and Kenny coming into my bedroom. We have a chat, all is well, I then get fed the news of our events coming home.
Where do I start? well basically lets put it this way....
In the house that morning, in total there was:
Henry and April both went out into Derby for halloween, where as Kenny and Seon stayed in. So apparently when April and Henry got home, Henry was sick into a pint glass, which was left in the kitchen, April was sick in the sick in a box, in which was put in the spare room, still to this day not know why. When us three got home, we all crashed out, apparently. Dave crashed out on the couch in our living room, Alex, who had a sleeping bag in the spare room, simply crashed out in the spare room, the same location of the sick box, and as for me, I go to my bed.
So pretty normal for me, but there was a lot more to it than that, the bad news is about to come. So at this moment, Alex wakes up and only just realizes the sick box in the room. Dave is still asleep in the living room. Henry and April are both awake and them with Seon and Kenny all agree on heading to the Jonty Farmer for pub food (our local pub). So my stomach feels like a washing machine so I immediately say yes. I get up, realize that my going out clothes are scattered on the floor. Which is strange because I never do that regardless whether Im drunk or not. Anyway I throw on some clothes. Grab my phone. Grab my keys. Head to grab my wallet... Where's my wallet? my mind asks me. Where is my wallet? I look on my floor, nothing but going out clothes. I look in my pockets of my jeans. Nope. I look in all my draws. Nothing. I remember the frustrated feeling, even to this day. I had lost my wallet, and cannot even remember what had happened to it. So before I explode I just head to the Jonty Farmer where I am treated to pub food instead.
So a couple of days after that I begin getting my cards back. If you have ever lost your wallet, you know what I went through, I just hope no one who is reading this ever have to. Learn from my mistakes!

I'm Ok. I'm Not Very Good. I'm Not Doing Well. I Feel Terrible

Since I had my complications with my mini, morale wasn't going too well. One minute. I'm doing absolutely fine, very exciting. Then brought down to earth by reality. 721 has gone out 400 back in. Im behind on rent now, and bills are due soon as well, and I don't get paid yet. Oh well, I will try and look at the positives.
Today. The only way I can best express what happened to me today is by not telling you what didn't go right, but to tell you what did go right, so this is what went right...
