Weekly Changy

Weekly Changy

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Why Now?

Why did it happen now? out of all the times to happen, could of, should of happened a while ago so I would of been prepared. No. It just would happen when I'm at Uni. Want to know what happened?

I wake up, nothing much on the agenda. Another usual student life day for me. 1 lecture, and no work. Good. Previous night I had been on Skype to my mum. Telling her the small problem about my mini not having power steering. Joking about it of course, how my arms will be twice the size now that I don't have it. My mum jokes as well, but the seriousness of it is that it has to be repaired. Fair enough. A power steering pump, or top up of liquid, can't be that much money. I just hope it isn't anymore than 300 pounds, because I only have my student loan money. I haven't been paid by work yet, thats coming soon. Anyway. Back to the day. I receive a text of my mum about the mini. It gets taken in today for a look or what they call 'Diagnose test'. I arrive at Stratstone garage. the weather is very very grey and dull again. A nice man greets me, Ian. He offers me a full service to check he car fully if there is anything else wrong with the car. I have a good think about it. No. More money. It has to be, I know that there will be more things wrong with it but I wont have enough money to repair it all. No is the answer.
Next day I receive a phone call from Stratstone. Its Ian. He tells me that it was the power steering pump. Obviously. I ask if it is just the liquid that need topping up. No. It needs a new part. Okay, not that bad, power steering pump can't be that much.
A few hours later I receive another phone call from Ian. He tells me that the repair has been completed, and that it is ready to be picked up. Great, it didn't take very long as I expected. Henry, my house mate, gives me a lift down to Stratstone garage. It still very dull and dark although it is in the afternoon. As I walk into the car park, I cannot see my car, I am a bit anxious at this point. Just hoping it isn't anymore than 300 pounds. Ian is inside and he greets me cheerfully, I try to be polite and cheery myself. Down to Business. He recaps on what procedures have taken place to the repair. He then tells me that they had to order the part because they did not have it. Not a good sign. He then tells me how much I have to pay in total. How? is the first question. Lots of questions are swirling around in my head. How could be that much? why is it that much? why is this happening? .... why now? is the big question. A grand total of 721 pounds was needed to be paid. I ring my dad. Ask for help. Comes to an agreement that my dad will pay 400 of it. My dad doesn't like the sound of the idea, he can't really give me the money, but he knows he has to, to help me. I can't really believe its happening. Now. Out of all the times. I pay. Don't really say much to Ian. He hands me the key. I find my car outside. It starts to rain. Looks Darker now. I feel like I have been robbed. Robbed by BMW. Surely it's happened to other people before. I start my mini, I feel the steering wheel. Is it really worth it? Thinking deeply about it now sat in my car. I have rent due soon which is 715 + bills coming up. I don't have enough. Not a good day in my book. I am a positive guy, but I see no positives. I drive out. I head onto the A52 peak hour traffic. took double the time to get home. I don't want to talk of think about it, I just want to do some work to get my mind off it. As I sit on my bed I manage to find my notes and proposal from back home, I shall continue writing it and listen to Deadmau5 Might make me a bit happier. What to do later? I do feel like drinking now, Desperardo, comfort me.  

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