Weekly Changy

Weekly Changy

Wednesday 6 October 2010

A Lil bit Of 'De Ja Vu' On Time Keeping

Monday. Late again. 9:04 a.m. Really need to get into gear with being on time. Don't want to fall into the routine of being late. Listen to me I am telling myself off, but mind you I really don't like being late. I re-join my new radio production group. They consist of myself, 'Dim', Matt, and Abi. An important lecture this was for us all as we got out hands on some microphones for interviews and recordings. Thankfully there not difficult to use. Very easy in fact, we shouldn't have much problems with them. Our group are told that we go out and really test them out. Instead, without really knowing of what we want to do. A good sit down on the couches outside the rooms is what we do instead. Perhaps we try out the recording power of the mic? with maybe an interview? Okay. No. Throughout the time we had the microphone, there were recordings of Dim saying a couple of random things, making comments of people walking in and out of the campus which was funny. There were also recordings of Abi commenting about my sexuality, in which Abi thought had some real comedic value. The concern of the group was whether Andy, the lecturer, was going to play back the recordings. Mainly because Dim had made a comment about a fellow class mate, and also that other groups had gone out and made some actual interviews and we had not. Thankfully Andy didn't play them back, and our recordings had been deleted.
After the messing around with the microphones it was time to start typing up a proposal for our project, in which not many people of my group did not really want to do, with proposal ending up to be 2 big paragraphs long, with matt and myself typing whilst  Abi and Dim came up with ideas for our radio production. End of lecture. No work. I guess I can do what a student does now. Go home or go to the pub, and chill out. This pleases me. The main thing on my mind is about going out tonight now. Bought a box of Desperados so I have plenty to drink.
Lets skip time now. To this evening. I have just finished my dinner. Opening a Desperado. The taste is like your taste buds go on holiday to Mexico, Smooth and rich combined taste of beer and tequila, the bitterness of the beer disappears by the smooth taste of the tequila. Magic. Time for more.

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