Weekly Changy

Weekly Changy

Tuesday 5 October 2010

A Non Student Weekend?

I don't really know what an 'Ideal Student Weekend' is but I'm sure it includes lots and lots of relaxing. Lying in, small pieces of work and research perhaps, hanging out with mates and flat mates. Yeah. No. Not for me.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday were extremely manic times for me. Friday, not a good day, waking up to find that I have indeed caught what they call 'Freshers Flu' Unfortunately I have found that I caught it of Kenny. So bad that I had to ring in sick from work. Fortunately I had been taking medications all day. nothing really to report about that day.
Saturday, The day I always hate. when I am not doing anything they're great. However when you are working, it's another story. If you work on a saturday you know. If you work at Costco on a saturday, you definitely know. The day was very busy. Door counts through the roof. With saturday being so busy, I thought that perhaps sunday wouldn't of been that busy? Wrong.
Sunday was just as bad. But the main bit of this day I wanted to report, is when it came to the evening. Nearing close. More people are leaving than coming in. I am standing on the exit door with fellow new mate and employee Andy. All of the sudden, a man walked in quite fast. I turn and he seems that he 'not all there'. None the less, I ask him for a membership card. "ugh" was his reply and continues walking, not even looking at me. I turn to Andy, and Andy seems confused and he asks instead, "ugh" is the 2nd reply, Andy asks again and the man runs into the store. Before he does he grabs someone's trolley full of items and starts touching them all. Andy starts asking him again. He suddenly runs off towards the till area. Andy and myself. Very confused and not to know what to do. Andy then runs after him. I stay on the exit door and continue to sign receipts. 10 minutes later. I see the man walking out with another man, who apparently was his carer, with the manager. Andy returns and informs me, that after he ran down to the till area, he ran into the toilets, locked himself into a cubicle. Then after a minute. he came out of the locker, having found that he had urinated in his pants. Apparently after that he ran out of the toilets where he ran to the cafe, grabbing/touching the Danish's and ate one. Andy and the manager grabbed him and then walked him out. As they grabbed him his carer came. Talk about timing. Has that ever happened to you?

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