Weekly Changy

Weekly Changy

Tuesday 5 October 2010

Introduction To Professional Writing

Introduction to professional writing is only part 2 of my blog.

Part 1: 10:00 a.m. to 13:45 p.m.
Yes James Chang. Me. I was in at 10:00 a.m. I don't really know why it was such a bother for me because I have had to work earlier shifts than that, should've been a piece of cake. It's easy. However, Due to unforeseen circumstances, I haven't had as much sleep as I had hoped. I wake up. Its cold, probably because the heater hasn't came on yet. As I get out of bed I am showered by a chilling wave of goosebumps. You all know the feeling. As I open my curtains it looks incredibly dull, I am still half asleep. As I am slowly wandering around my room grabbing some clothes and a towel. Work wasn't so bad, very quiet, although I am still at the stage of when you start somewhere new and lots of other employee's don't really speak to you, but they stare at you because they either don't know what to say or they don't know if I properly work there. Being me though I don't make the occasion last, I quickly greet them to not make the scene any more awkward that I want it to be. 13:45, finished already? having said that I have now got 15 minutes to rush to University.
At this point of my story, in which I probably have forgotten to tell you, the reader, about my car. I have a Mini One. 5 years old, has done quite a lot of miles too. At this point of my University of Derby life story. My Mini has lost it's power steering. Those of you who have used a car without power steering will know the feeling. Having to drive without power steering is immensely difficult. Once getting used to it, its not so bad, however if you have never driven without power steering, you will find it very difficult. The journey to university contains lots of turns, a problem for me, in the end, this delays me. I think I am going to be late....

Part 2: 14:00 p.m. to 16:00 p.m.
I was late. Whilst walking into the Kedleston Campus with Kenny, I notice that the lecture has already started, I have Matt Jenner texting me of my whereabouts and Abigail Armstrong texting me as well. both new Students I have met in the first week. As I open the door to the lecture theatre, guilty I am for my lateness, only by 5 minutes, not so bad as I thought. Kenny is equally late so I don't feel so bad. Walking into the theatre I look up and notice another student I know is here, known as 'Dim'. Until just recently I have learnt that his actual name is Richard. Now. Introduction to professional writing. Meet Colin. My lecturer. He will be teaching me for this module. He tells me that we have to create a blog because it will enhance out writing skills for the future. Have never thought about writing a blog, who knows I may enjoy it. well may as well have a crack at it.
At this point of the lecture, I have found out how many assignments I will be completing. By the looks of things, there will be a wide range of different types of writing/typing. What most surprises me is that I was unaware of how much different writing types there were. Perhaps there will be a certain type of writing that I will most like? there probably will. I just hope I don't get bored with the module. That goes for all of them, I know what its like to go through a module when it's boring, its very hard to get through and it will seem like it takes forever. 16:00p.m. Fin.

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