Weekly Changy

Weekly Changy

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Why Now?

Why did it happen now? out of all the times to happen, could of, should of happened a while ago so I would of been prepared. No. It just would happen when I'm at Uni. Want to know what happened?

I wake up, nothing much on the agenda. Another usual student life day for me. 1 lecture, and no work. Good. Previous night I had been on Skype to my mum. Telling her the small problem about my mini not having power steering. Joking about it of course, how my arms will be twice the size now that I don't have it. My mum jokes as well, but the seriousness of it is that it has to be repaired. Fair enough. A power steering pump, or top up of liquid, can't be that much money. I just hope it isn't anymore than 300 pounds, because I only have my student loan money. I haven't been paid by work yet, thats coming soon. Anyway. Back to the day. I receive a text of my mum about the mini. It gets taken in today for a look or what they call 'Diagnose test'. I arrive at Stratstone garage. the weather is very very grey and dull again. A nice man greets me, Ian. He offers me a full service to check he car fully if there is anything else wrong with the car. I have a good think about it. No. More money. It has to be, I know that there will be more things wrong with it but I wont have enough money to repair it all. No is the answer.
Next day I receive a phone call from Stratstone. Its Ian. He tells me that it was the power steering pump. Obviously. I ask if it is just the liquid that need topping up. No. It needs a new part. Okay, not that bad, power steering pump can't be that much.
A few hours later I receive another phone call from Ian. He tells me that the repair has been completed, and that it is ready to be picked up. Great, it didn't take very long as I expected. Henry, my house mate, gives me a lift down to Stratstone garage. It still very dull and dark although it is in the afternoon. As I walk into the car park, I cannot see my car, I am a bit anxious at this point. Just hoping it isn't anymore than 300 pounds. Ian is inside and he greets me cheerfully, I try to be polite and cheery myself. Down to Business. He recaps on what procedures have taken place to the repair. He then tells me that they had to order the part because they did not have it. Not a good sign. He then tells me how much I have to pay in total. How? is the first question. Lots of questions are swirling around in my head. How could be that much? why is it that much? why is this happening? .... why now? is the big question. A grand total of 721 pounds was needed to be paid. I ring my dad. Ask for help. Comes to an agreement that my dad will pay 400 of it. My dad doesn't like the sound of the idea, he can't really give me the money, but he knows he has to, to help me. I can't really believe its happening. Now. Out of all the times. I pay. Don't really say much to Ian. He hands me the key. I find my car outside. It starts to rain. Looks Darker now. I feel like I have been robbed. Robbed by BMW. Surely it's happened to other people before. I start my mini, I feel the steering wheel. Is it really worth it? Thinking deeply about it now sat in my car. I have rent due soon which is 715 + bills coming up. I don't have enough. Not a good day in my book. I am a positive guy, but I see no positives. I drive out. I head onto the A52 peak hour traffic. took double the time to get home. I don't want to talk of think about it, I just want to do some work to get my mind off it. As I sit on my bed I manage to find my notes and proposal from back home, I shall continue writing it and listen to Deadmau5 Might make me a bit happier. What to do later? I do feel like drinking now, Desperardo, comfort me.  

A Lil bit Of 'De Ja Vu' On Time Keeping

Monday. Late again. 9:04 a.m. Really need to get into gear with being on time. Don't want to fall into the routine of being late. Listen to me I am telling myself off, but mind you I really don't like being late. I re-join my new radio production group. They consist of myself, 'Dim', Matt, and Abi. An important lecture this was for us all as we got out hands on some microphones for interviews and recordings. Thankfully there not difficult to use. Very easy in fact, we shouldn't have much problems with them. Our group are told that we go out and really test them out. Instead, without really knowing of what we want to do. A good sit down on the couches outside the rooms is what we do instead. Perhaps we try out the recording power of the mic? with maybe an interview? Okay. No. Throughout the time we had the microphone, there were recordings of Dim saying a couple of random things, making comments of people walking in and out of the campus which was funny. There were also recordings of Abi commenting about my sexuality, in which Abi thought had some real comedic value. The concern of the group was whether Andy, the lecturer, was going to play back the recordings. Mainly because Dim had made a comment about a fellow class mate, and also that other groups had gone out and made some actual interviews and we had not. Thankfully Andy didn't play them back, and our recordings had been deleted.
After the messing around with the microphones it was time to start typing up a proposal for our project, in which not many people of my group did not really want to do, with proposal ending up to be 2 big paragraphs long, with matt and myself typing whilst  Abi and Dim came up with ideas for our radio production. End of lecture. No work. I guess I can do what a student does now. Go home or go to the pub, and chill out. This pleases me. The main thing on my mind is about going out tonight now. Bought a box of Desperados so I have plenty to drink.
Lets skip time now. To this evening. I have just finished my dinner. Opening a Desperado. The taste is like your taste buds go on holiday to Mexico, Smooth and rich combined taste of beer and tequila, the bitterness of the beer disappears by the smooth taste of the tequila. Magic. Time for more.

Tuesday 5 October 2010

A Non Student Weekend?

I don't really know what an 'Ideal Student Weekend' is but I'm sure it includes lots and lots of relaxing. Lying in, small pieces of work and research perhaps, hanging out with mates and flat mates. Yeah. No. Not for me.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday were extremely manic times for me. Friday, not a good day, waking up to find that I have indeed caught what they call 'Freshers Flu' Unfortunately I have found that I caught it of Kenny. So bad that I had to ring in sick from work. Fortunately I had been taking medications all day. nothing really to report about that day.
Saturday, The day I always hate. when I am not doing anything they're great. However when you are working, it's another story. If you work on a saturday you know. If you work at Costco on a saturday, you definitely know. The day was very busy. Door counts through the roof. With saturday being so busy, I thought that perhaps sunday wouldn't of been that busy? Wrong.
Sunday was just as bad. But the main bit of this day I wanted to report, is when it came to the evening. Nearing close. More people are leaving than coming in. I am standing on the exit door with fellow new mate and employee Andy. All of the sudden, a man walked in quite fast. I turn and he seems that he 'not all there'. None the less, I ask him for a membership card. "ugh" was his reply and continues walking, not even looking at me. I turn to Andy, and Andy seems confused and he asks instead, "ugh" is the 2nd reply, Andy asks again and the man runs into the store. Before he does he grabs someone's trolley full of items and starts touching them all. Andy starts asking him again. He suddenly runs off towards the till area. Andy and myself. Very confused and not to know what to do. Andy then runs after him. I stay on the exit door and continue to sign receipts. 10 minutes later. I see the man walking out with another man, who apparently was his carer, with the manager. Andy returns and informs me, that after he ran down to the till area, he ran into the toilets, locked himself into a cubicle. Then after a minute. he came out of the locker, having found that he had urinated in his pants. Apparently after that he ran out of the toilets where he ran to the cafe, grabbing/touching the Danish's and ate one. Andy and the manager grabbed him and then walked him out. As they grabbed him his carer came. Talk about timing. Has that ever happened to you?

Introduction To Professional Writing

Introduction to professional writing is only part 2 of my blog.

Part 1: 10:00 a.m. to 13:45 p.m.
Yes James Chang. Me. I was in at 10:00 a.m. I don't really know why it was such a bother for me because I have had to work earlier shifts than that, should've been a piece of cake. It's easy. However, Due to unforeseen circumstances, I haven't had as much sleep as I had hoped. I wake up. Its cold, probably because the heater hasn't came on yet. As I get out of bed I am showered by a chilling wave of goosebumps. You all know the feeling. As I open my curtains it looks incredibly dull, I am still half asleep. As I am slowly wandering around my room grabbing some clothes and a towel. Work wasn't so bad, very quiet, although I am still at the stage of when you start somewhere new and lots of other employee's don't really speak to you, but they stare at you because they either don't know what to say or they don't know if I properly work there. Being me though I don't make the occasion last, I quickly greet them to not make the scene any more awkward that I want it to be. 13:45, finished already? having said that I have now got 15 minutes to rush to University.
At this point of my story, in which I probably have forgotten to tell you, the reader, about my car. I have a Mini One. 5 years old, has done quite a lot of miles too. At this point of my University of Derby life story. My Mini has lost it's power steering. Those of you who have used a car without power steering will know the feeling. Having to drive without power steering is immensely difficult. Once getting used to it, its not so bad, however if you have never driven without power steering, you will find it very difficult. The journey to university contains lots of turns, a problem for me, in the end, this delays me. I think I am going to be late....

Part 2: 14:00 p.m. to 16:00 p.m.
I was late. Whilst walking into the Kedleston Campus with Kenny, I notice that the lecture has already started, I have Matt Jenner texting me of my whereabouts and Abigail Armstrong texting me as well. both new Students I have met in the first week. As I open the door to the lecture theatre, guilty I am for my lateness, only by 5 minutes, not so bad as I thought. Kenny is equally late so I don't feel so bad. Walking into the theatre I look up and notice another student I know is here, known as 'Dim'. Until just recently I have learnt that his actual name is Richard. Now. Introduction to professional writing. Meet Colin. My lecturer. He will be teaching me for this module. He tells me that we have to create a blog because it will enhance out writing skills for the future. Have never thought about writing a blog, who knows I may enjoy it. well may as well have a crack at it.
At this point of the lecture, I have found out how many assignments I will be completing. By the looks of things, there will be a wide range of different types of writing/typing. What most surprises me is that I was unaware of how much different writing types there were. Perhaps there will be a certain type of writing that I will most like? there probably will. I just hope I don't get bored with the module. That goes for all of them, I know what its like to go through a module when it's boring, its very hard to get through and it will seem like it takes forever. 16:00p.m. Fin.

Back To Costco

Costco Wholesale. what is Costco? Costco is a trade club warehouse. In other words when you get a membership, you are entitled you purchase the items within the warehouse. Costco, is very much like a supermarket, however, say if you wanted to buy a can of Coke, you don't just buy a can of Coke, you buy a 24 can pack for 5-ish pounds. My previous job back home was me having to work on the door. The department known as Member Services. What do I do? I stand on the entrance door and see everybody's membership card, I stand on the exit door and check everybody's trolleys and sign receipts. Thats pretty much it, there's more but I've probably bored you. I am not sure how many warehouses there are in world, but there's a lot. Most of them have the same layout as well.
Transfer request: Costco Chester to Costco Derby. From walking into my new Costco, layout is a lot different! everything is the other way round to back at Chester, all the staff are a lot older than everybody at Chester too. Once again, Im the youngest on my department. Everybody seems very nice and some of them already know me which is quite strange. What was the most strangest thing about Costco Derby, is the work Member Services DON'T do. No jewellery count sheet. No Item tick sheet. Steel Check is on 1 sheet. Item count sheet has only 12 items on it. No panic alarms. 1 set of keys. No last floorwalk after close. No Beam check. No camera check. No computer sign on for any of them. No 'EN5'. They don't even help the trolley guy putting the trolleys into the foyer. If anybody from Member Services Chester is reading this. how crazy is that?

Friday 1 October 2010

The True Beginning

Monday 20th September. 09:58 am. I am walking towards the University of Derby. Kedleston Campus. Deadmau5 is in my head playing me 'Some Chords'.
10:01 am. I walk into the main reception area and ask for the Induction to Media Production. He tells me that is on the 3rd floor of B block.
10:03 am. I am now walking up some stairs. Deadmau5 is still playing in my head, but I can hear the abstract noises of people ahead of me.
10:06 am. I am now walking and I see a Lecturing theatre, there are a lot of people inside. Surprisingly I am not as nervous as I thought I would be. Upon entry to the lecture, everyone stares at me and i apologise for my lateness. I grab a couple of papers and quickly find a place to sit, instead of standing like a lemon whilst everybody stares at me.
10:10 am. At this point I am relaxed a bit more now and other people turn up late, I don't feel so bad now. Deadmau5 is still playing me songs, whilst a Lecturer known as Nathan is talking, I do not want to reach into my pocket and turn it off, won't look good.
10:25 am. People are still coming in, I really don't feel so bad now. Now I manage to get a look around at some of the people I am sharing this theatre with. They all come in their shapes and sizes but none the less they all look like interesting people.

After this 'Academic Counseling/Induction' I begin this 'Enrolment'  The stress of this Procedure of enrolment is that all of us, us 150+ of us had to move out of the theatre and go through a selection of rooms. The actual procedure of enrolment was quick, but the fact that no one knew where they were going startled a lot of people which resulted in a lot of people wandering around the corridors. Big question of this day is, how much will I remember of this information that I have been told today?

Sunday 12 September 2010

On this day in 1910, The world's 1st Female cop, Alice Stebbins Wells was appointed for the LAPD. (www.historyorb.com)
On This day in 2010, Kenneth John Barnett, Sunshine Kwak and myself moved into our house.  The weather, cloudy with sunshine. The house's state, Smelly and cold. First things first, a massive clean was required. Lots of cobwebs and dust. It took about 3 hours to fully dust down and wipe most things down. The health of the house was/is a bit worn down, with mould in 1 or 2 rooms, cracks and chips within the paint. The biggest surprise was the misunderstanding of how many belongings I had brought with me. Message to self, "Right, your gonna be living here for approximately 9 months, lets make it home." Lots of feelings and thoughts are swirling around my head about the future and what I want in my room along with what I want to buy. One of my belongings I bring with me, a proposal, notes, timelines that I have very slowly been working on whilst I have been working through my gap year. Big question is though, will I ever have time to it? Sure.

Prologue Of Me

Who am I?

My name is James Chang and I have just started my university career for 3 years. I am 20 years old and I originate from the town of Frodsham. Moving from Frodsham has been a massive move in my life and of my family as I am the first of my family to do so; however I am not the first in my family to get a degree. That was accomplished by eldest sister. My sister studied Photography in the University Of Chester but never moved out. She was the first person in the Chang family to ever receive a degree. Within my family consists of 2 sisters, 1 brother and my mother and father. My Mum and Dad both own a hairdresser's, my other sister, works for John Lewis part time in Liverpool One. She has also started University life but she is living at home, and is studying creative writing in Liverpool  John Moore's University. My eldest sister works full time, this job however, was took up for failing to find a company to hire her for photography. My Brother Louis is in Sixth Form of Helsby High School.
I am studying Media Production and I have just begun studying the Autumn semester of the first year. I have to complete 4 modules for the Autumn semester, and another 4 in the spring semester.