Weekly Changy

Weekly Changy

Monday 5 March 2012

Hello Weekly Changy My Old Friend, I've Come To Talk With You Again...

Because a vision softly creeping, Left its seeds while I was sleeping, 
And the vision that was planted in my brain, 
Still remains, within the sound of silence

(Simon & Garfunkel: 'Hello Darkness My Old Friend' justsomelyrics.com)

Before I even start, I would like to bid you all a fine hello, because it has been a while since my last post. From the previous post, to now is a big shift in time to be honest. A lot has been accomplished in the past days, so much so that you could fit all of the events into a film.... a very long one!

Well I hope it is anyway, after a very inspiring lecture recently in my New Media Production lecture, there are to be some updates done for the weekly changy. First of all some elements on the page are to be removed and some other is to be added and changed:

New look! 
The blue number thing that I had was pretty cool for me, but its time for a new look, and so I hope you like the new look, if you don't then email me on your views, they are very much appreciated, I will enjoy reading your emails, as much as I enjoy eating pancakes.... which is very enjoyable.

Weekly Changy... on GMAIL!
Yes, this is for you, it's all fair and well having a comment box, but now if you have any questions, opinons, or wish to simply troll then send an email! at: weeklychangy@gmail.com

Sell my soul? Hell Yeah!
Adverts will be added soon. What can I say Im a student! as annoying adverts can be, they can sometimes be helpful in finding what you want, honest. Further more you, my dear reader will be helping me out here, which will make me appreciate you all a lot more!

"So what the fuuu have you been up to all this time?"

Well to start with my work at Costco, I have continued with early morning shifts that getting a tad used to now, morning shifts that, when your Television Production lecturer comments on my shifts with comments such as "Gosh, thats...... not like a student." Very true Michael Dyer, by the way reader, if you ever get to meet Michael Dyer, I would suggest approaching him and say: "Studio 60, is a poor representation of studio work, and is the worst example to show students, and should never be watched when in a lecture" and then watch as he quickly begins defending it. Going back to work at Costco, since I got completely side-tracked there. I have been, amazingly, turning up for work, early in the morning, doing the work needed, and then going home, and I have been doing that astonishing routine since the previous post, and so far have not stopped, same in same out, nothing to report to you, captain. 

During that exciting routine of Costco work, there can be a lot said about University work. The end.

Ha! Couldn't help myself there, well I would like to announce to you that I completed, and handed in the New Media Production Minor Assignment of 1,500 words, as well as the Media Ethics Minor Assignment of originally 1,500 words but really it was changed to 1,000 but really the lecturer wanted 1,200 but really I did 1,320 so I'll let you decide how many words was needed. So if you've been wondering why I havent posted in a long time, that is why. To continue University work, I have been continuing my Television Production work. What started as I can best describe as a:

 'Vertical Un-advanced crushed cellular dramatic horizontal binding black cosmos microwave'

Which describes that it started badly. Now though, there is a snippet of progress through all of the disagreements and arguments. We have a script in progress, as well as a completed plan of set design and have had various practice runs in the studio. However, at this stage, I think this is not enough, the only set back for us is having to stop everything, and watch TV would you believe. What some may think as a glorious activity to have in a lecture, is not the best activity when your trying to work to a deadline.

Final note: 
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