Weekly Changy

Weekly Changy

Friday 23 March 2012

I Planned This Out.


As Im sure you are aware from the previous post, Im currently and STILL at the stage of planning out future events and there is a lot of work that has placed itself around me. When it comes to relaxation, and time out's, they seem to be un-heard of for me. There's a lot on my plate at this moment in time. I imagine the planning and the workload to be visually represented as one of my mother's O'so delicious enormous roast dinners. Apart from the work and planning is not as tasty. However I will feel very accomplished once the plans are planned, and the work is completed.
This is the stage where I almost don't know where to start. I'll think of something to do after I come home from work, and by work I mean Costco work, or lectures, and I walk into my house, turn left towards the stairs, turn around and head up the stairs, turn left again, and again right away into my bedroom, where I look at my computer and then it happens..... I forget what I was going to do, OR, I spot something else in my room that gets my attention, after that I then stare at my computer and begin scanning through my head of what must be done. Either continue planning events, or carry on work.... Where to start. 

Why so much planning?

Well reader, it is my birthday coming up soon, and so there is a night out planned by moi. A night out where I shall be taking myself and so far the following:

Kenneth Barnett, of Ellesmere Port (But post coded as Chester)
Dave Collins, of Ellesmere Port
Dr Alex Thornthwaite, of Helsinki
Seon Kwak, of Seoul

Now when you decide to go out, theres one question I must ask you, where do you go? or where can you go? 

For me, I have been to quite a few places around England, however not enough. I have been fortunate enough to experience key places of clubbing kingdoms. There is one place I have been to, where none of the people on the list have been (I think). This is Newcastle.  This is currently what the main plan is at the moment. Planning the accommodation, which is complete, train fares, event tickets etc. Planning for your own birthday by yourself is tough. You plan everything, you don't get much help, you have to pester people that you want to go, people say they want to go, but then they change their mind nearer the time, people have their reasons valid or not, you want to book accommodation and transport as soon as possible because they are getting full and unavailable and people are changing their minds or can't decide so you can't proceed; and all I want out of it, is just for my fellow comrades to experience what I experienced when I was there, and to just celebrate my birth, but it doesn't seem to be so easy, for those who plan things like this all the time I salute you, those who never plan for any events, you have no idea how stressful it can be sometimes.


Lots of assignments in fact. As stated up there, I have a lot on my plate, here's what I got:

A 4,000 Media Research Project
A 2,000 Media Ethics Assignment
To Produce a 10 minute teleshopping programme
Create a website
1,000 word Critical Analysis 
1,000 word evaluation
Re-edit a 30 minute radio programme

Im pretty sure I have covered all of it. I would like to announce that I have started the pile of work, but alas I have not got very far.

Lots of planning in fact. A wise man once told me:

"Dance music man... clubbing... its such an expensive hobby, but so good."

Dave Collins
When I meant wise, I define wise for his computer knowledge. I shall be waiting for a response from the man himself after he has read this. whatever he says I shall quote it and post it on the next post. I have a lot of planning, as I am planning to go to good looking future events, this is being planned:

Digital-Newcastle Birthday Trip
Above & Beyond UK Tour (at Liverpool)
Godskitchen sixfivetwelve
Holiday abroad for me and Abigail
Global Gathering 2012
Creamfields 2012 OR SW4

A lot of planning on the plate, but all of it shall be so good. If any of you readers are heading to one of the above events.... even the holiday with me and Abigail (somehow) let us know! 


I know this was a while ago, however this was one of the reports that I did not publish in one of the two previous posts. What made this night more interesting was the addition of some first timers of cream. To join me, Dave Collins and Alex Thornthwaite, was my two dear University comrades known as Lewis Carter and Nathan Rodger. What to tell first timers, about what Nation is like (the nightclub where it's held) my best efforts was this:

"Drinks are expensive, the rooms are massive... basically everything is amazing apart from the place itself, grotty as hell."

There you go, that was my best efforts in describing Cream to you, for those that have never been. I would strongly recommend going to a Cream night, as a dance music lover, you must witness what Cream has to offer. Which is, in my opinion, an insight as to what to expect at Creamfields, just this time, its in a nightclub, not a festival (except the mud). 

My personal Evaluation.
It ended out to be a successful trip for all of us. The drive up wasn't bad. The weather was okay. We got to Liverpool pretty early which meant we could go about in the city. We even had time to go eat sushi at YO! sushi in Liverpool One. As you can see from the picture, this was the result of the amount of chopsticks that was needed to feed me, Lewis Carter and Nathan Rodger. Mine were the bottom chopsticks, Nathan's was the middle, and finally Lewis' had to use the most. 

Yup Amazon could possibily be getting onto the Weekly Changy. I often 'window' shop on Amazon, looking at the stuff I want to purchase, but I either can't or I shouldn't because I am saving my money to attend all of the future events above. If you are like me, or not, and you buy from amazon all the time, Amazon will become more easier to access whilst you read the Weekly Changy! so get in there son!

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