Weekly Changy

Weekly Changy

Wednesday 15 February 2012

I'm B.U.S.Y

B - Biting the ends of my fingers. A bad and not very nice habit I must admit, the effect of this is from stress to be honest. I am in these situations where I am needed to do a lot, and I just do it to pause myself and to think for a moment, I only ever do it when it comes to bad situations or when I am so busy I need to time to stop and think.
U - Understanding what I have to do. Once again I have multiple pieces of work to do,  all these pieces of work are stitched together that I can only describe as a heavy coat that my brain is wearing through the heavy rain. I know what I have to do, but if you try and tackle it all at one single period of time, it gets you down, especially when there are other events that happen day in day out that you are not happy with, events with work, events with Abigail and so on.
S - Stressing out at times. Little specific things in my current semester at the moment that form together that make into a symbolic stress identification. Television Production group disagreements, we all talk over each other, some do not understand others, some do not pay attention to important information, some state ideas and comments that someone else has already said, some make arguments out of nothing, some disagree with your view or opinion with no reason. With so much confusion and misunderstanding, I may as well speak French from now on.
Y - Yawning a lot because recently, in my work, I have been enduring a lot of early morning shifts. These would be times where not many students would wake up for work lets put it that way. I seem to be doing it a lot more than usual, I wake up very early, and find myself exhausted in the evening, which leaves me little inspiration to do any kind of work.

B.U.S.Y - Quite frankly my good reader, I know you may take enjoyment out of reading my posts, especially when they have light hearted entertainment about my life, but to be honest I am and feel so busy I struggle to think, I struggle to remember to eat can you believe it or not. I would like to officially announce that I wont be posting for a while, or better put, I wont be posting week by week, which I think you've gathered by the lack of posts anyway. I am hoping the next time I post I will have most of my work done, and I can get back to really dishing out some interesting aspects of my life. Right now I don't even know where to start to tell you what's been happening, my mind is a blur. Ill post to you soon reader, bye.

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