Weekly Changy

Weekly Changy

Monday 12 March 2012

The Fall Of Winter, The Awakening Of Spring.

Every day when I go to work in the early morning, it is always dark. Im heading out in the night, which I don't really like to be honest. Knowing that the majority of people are asleep when Im heading out to work, in the dark is never a nice feeling. However, I always feel better when going to work, when its spring or summer, for one reason, to witness dawn. Sometimes dawn can make any bad day look beautifully good, and I get the feeling as if the sun is putting on a private show for me and the rest of the people that have to go to work so early in the morning.

A picture? YES!
This was the other feature that I forgot to mention whilst listing all the updates to the Weekly Changy. A picture will now be implemented on all Weekly Changy blogs!


Once again, this week has been as busy as ever. I guess thats one thing that will never change... not being busy through a university semester. I have found myself recently dong a lot of planning. Lots and lots and lots of planning, planning that is work related and socially related. We all need to plan ahead, for when the time comes, we will be ready, and thats what I have been doing, a lot of planning. The work related planning is the planning of my Television Production's group to produce an 'as live' 10 minute DIY teleshopping programme. Believe me reader, what you watch on TV, has a lot of planning than you can ever imagine. To plan this, is to do a lot planning. Just typing about this has reminded me, have I mentioned the group that I am in? ... You do? ...... You dont? ....... Well come on now make your mind up! ..... okay Im going to tell you anyway. My Television Production group consists of: James Dye, Kenneth Barnett, James Chew, Lewis Carter, Abigail Armstrong, Patricia Costache and myself. Some names here may seem familiar to you, I know, we all know Kenneth, the chap whom has been mentioned numerous times in my posts. James Chew, you remember him right? he was in my Radio Production group too, and Abigail Armstrong, whom is like a celebrity on this blog, you remember? she's a robot pirate of course you remember her. 
So we're all at this stage where we are on the brink of practical work, because of a lot of planning. This part of programme making always is a joy for me, to go out and do the filming. Its like your parents telling you, you can go outside and play because you've done all of your homework. A joyful feeling.


The planning for social and entertainment is planning for this years upcoming festivals. For me though, the festivals with the best dance music lineup is the festival for me, just like a good other million people. In my festival history I was there at Creamfields 2010, which was my first festival. Brilliant, amazing lineups and loads of them, and good weather. Then there was Global Gathering 2011. Unbelievable. lineup was great, a lot of trance artists, and best of all, artists that, at the time, I had never heard of I.E Zedd. The weather was like being in spain, which did me a lot of good considering I never got to go on holiday last year, however I don't think it did Dave Collins any good since he returned pink. The most recent was Creamfields 2011. Not Great. Creamfields 2011 showed me the bad side to the festival. 50,000+ people there, we arrived a day late, the weather was the worst I have ever seen it in britain, to date. The mud was also so bad that Dave Collins got stuck ordering a drink and had to be pulled out by two guys, and there also various YouTube videos of very drunk people swimming in it. Theres a lot more events that occurred at that festival however I shall save my fingers the duty of explaining. However if you email the Weekly Changy via Gmail, I will be happy to tell the tale!

So whats planned?

Well still planning at the moment. One thing is certain though. I will be returning to Global Gathering again this year. I have already accepted that It probably wont be as good as I remember it, but I have good expectations for the festival. As always, my rave wizard, Dave Collins will be going too, but this year there are more people that I know that are interested in going which is delightful. I have a slot of time off in august primarily for a festival. However Im in a tug of war with myself. Its either, Creamfields 2012, or South West Four. Which on should I go for? and which festival are you heading to this year? Get in touch!  

KONY 2012

You dont know? if you manage to get onto this webpage and not notice this going on, then I would be surprised. If you havent watched the main viral video that everyone seems to be watching at the moment, I would suggest you do, to be in the know.
My honest opinion on this matter is that his crimes are without doubt dreadful and disgusting. Whilst finding out what he has done over the years kept making me think of my Media Ethics lecture. Tony Delahunty, my lecturer, once said that you will encounter people in your life who's ethics are constructed completely differently to yours, in a way that those ethics cannot be understood. My thoughts are if Joseph Kony believes that what he is doing is wrong. We may look upon him with shame, disgust and disgrace to what he has done, however Kony has been doing this since 1982, and before and after, his ethics are built up completely differently to ours.

The main segment of the information I got about Kony that puzzles me the most, is that he is number 1 on the ICC list. For reference, Muammar Gaddafi was number 24 and we all know what happened to him. What puzzles me is that if he is number 1 on the list, surely he is of a big priority to stop, so why havent they done it already? and why have they had to setup a charity and branding to stop him?

Ill leave you with that, I think

Written by James Chang, 
                           Leading Scientist of Advanced Chemistry at the Kenneth John Barnett Academy 

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