Weekly Changy

Weekly Changy

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Taking A Look Outside The Semester.

Time is fascinating. I am not going to talk about how time is relevant though, because that would need a Nuclear Physicist, a Dave Collins and a Kenneth Barnett.

What I mean is how when you have your full devotion and attention on getting your work done for the semester, a lot of other events outside of University work, get by that you may not be aware of or you only hear snippets of, but you do not have the time to find out all of the news or gossip if you can call it that. 
Im sure you may feel the same if you have ever been through a university semester. I can best relate it to going into hibernation. 

If you actually know me through college, high school, or even university, I can bet some big news has happened to you or someone close to you, that I may not even know about because I have not seen or spoken to you for a while, and it has taken me till now to realise how many different events have happened around the people I know. Time particularly fascinates me when I see people now from when I last saw them.

Some great highlights of what Im talking about is events such as:

My brother, whom obtained another Job, at Armani. When I last saw him he wasn't very far into his job at Next, which I hear he was doing well, but not giving him enough hours that he wanted.

My 2nd elder sister, getting another job at Ralph Lauren. I last saw her work for a clothing line in John Lewis, which she had not been there long either.

An old friend from high school, Kim Bushell, getting married. I last saw her when I was 16, when I didn't even know what Blogger was, when I was working for my father. Now she is married and going on a honeymoon.

My brothers old friend George Thompson, whom I last saw when I was in high school, when I was approximately 14. Thinking back hard enough, I remember last seeing him on the school field playing football. Now he's in the army. 

His brother, Jack Thompson, another old old friend whom I also last saw in high school, back when I was roughly 15. He now is a Father.

My eldest sister, who recently did the Race for Life. I last saw her when taking part in a charitable cause was just not for her, but from when I last saw on her donation page, she had received 106% over her target, and did well in the race.

My high school drama class group member, Daniel Moss. I last saw him back in high school when I was around 15 years old. I would notice on various occasions of him rapping to music. Now he is a rapper, professionally known as Mossy.

A friend from college, Colm Melarkey. I last saw him in Chester fairly drunk a year ago. He is now the world's strongest millionaire. 

Thats all that I can think of at the moment, but I am sure there is more that I am unaware of. Oh yes, and one of the events there is fake, but I bet you cannot guess which one. Im sure this may be a similar case to yourself, ask yourself, what has happened to the people around you?

The discovery of a New Sanctuary.

There comes a time where you get so angry and so stressed out, you just want to get away from it all, or just possible get away from a city. Well for me, I would personally leave the country for a bit, if I had the money and the time, but I cannot. Instead I find that going to peaceful relaxing places where I can relax and deeply thinking about general stuff and plan for the future works well to calm myself down. For other people you may have different tactics, or different places to go, or different things to do, but for me, this is it. 

That up there is Elvaston Castle. and these are pics of the massive park/gardens/forests that are apart of the castle grounds.

I would say that this is not the only place I enjoy going to get away from everything. Back home my ideal location for me to get away would be Eccleston Forest, which is not very far from Chester city centre, but is quite remote and a relaxing place.

Previously on Weekly Changy

Yes previously I remember using the last bit of my post to tell you how inspired I felt, and that I felt like producing a song. Well I am pleased to tell you that I am still on course for doing so, has been a bit of a struggle, but I am still on it. There are other projects that I am working on at the moment though, which has made the song creating be pushed into a queue of different things I have to do. 

My current project that I am doing is a long winded task, but that is running smoothly at the moment, but is not finished yet. I can imagine it will be finished in possibly a month, so I will let you all know soon what it is and where I am up to with it from now to then. Further more the song creating will be taking longer as I am also attempting to learn the software to make it, because I want to do it right, instead of messing around with it in general.

In the meantime I will leave you with this track that I am loving at the moment:

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