Weekly Changy

Weekly Changy

Thursday 10 May 2012

But Wait, There's More

Yes, indeed there is more. The reason for the lack of posts is due to the fact that the deadlines came around. After all the planning that was produced, it was a time to get my head down and really rally to the finish line of my work. 

These past few weeks (from the previous post to now) have been so far, the most stressful and the most time consuming. With the usual collaboration of University work and Costco work, the time for relaxation were very short. Of course you must take note, that It was not just me that was going through this torrid time, it was many of my consorts. 

We have snapped, we have shouted, we have typed, we have printed, we have written, we have drawn, we have copied, we have pasted, we have referenced, we have discussed, we have met, we have filled in, we have fallen out, we have angered, we have annoyed, we have pleased, we have come, we have gone.

We have handed in.

What was done first?

From seeing the work load, the first to be conquered, was the Media Ethics Major Assignment. This 2,000 word bad boy, was an interesting ethical debate in to the procedures to take in the radio industry, if your station isn't making enough money, basically. 

Next that was finished was my Media Research Project of 4,000 words. The most I have ever written when I think hard about it.... which my subject was about media convergence. Talking about the flow of old media content and new media technologies. This assignment was the most difficult and long winded assignment. As it may have been for rest of you that had to do this assignment. 

Next to come and go was not necessarily a essay, but an assessment. Pictured above is the studio design for the my Television Production teleshopping program. That day was as stressful and tiring as being told to walk on your hands to University, whilst naked, whilst having exactly 12 people around you laughing at you and your penis.

Celebrations Continue!

This silhouetted city is the city of Birmingham. On this day, which was recent, the 6th May was the night for SIXFIVETWELVE at Godskitchen. The very last event at the Air nightclub which is very  unfortunate. Once again the team that went to witness the mini festival night in Birmingham was of course Dave Collins and Dr Thornthwaite, and first and last time attendant Abigail. 

This blurry image is of the outdoor arena which, if you saw for yourself for those lucky enough to go, was a lot better and clearer to see for real. Another great feature about the night was the food:

The food was so convenient and great, we decided to get a picture of it, and because we loved it that much, we got a hand model to hold the hot dog whilst we took a picture of it. Tis a rather beautiful hand don't you think?

The time spent through this night out and the next day had its interesting features:

  • The Pre drinking of lots of cider for me and Abigail, and the consuming of Whiskey from Dave and Dr Thornthwaite.
  • The raving to Armin Van Buuren, and the drunk Paul Van Dyk.
  • The queuing for drinks.
  • The queuing for getting into Air.
  • The queuing for eating.
  • The queuing for queuing.
  • The queuing for queuing for queuing.
  • The dry mouth from lack of water in the morning.
  • The knocking on doors from janitors trying to clean the room and to batter you with sticks to get out.
  • The full Irish breakfast in O'Neills.
  • The discussion of the broken door eventually closing via quantum physics cyber herpa harpoon probability studies.
  • The walking everywhere in Birmingham city centre. 
  • The return to my home and sleeping in my bed.
But Wait, There's More

Getting back to University work now, and yes that's right, there is more to be done. 

My website and mobile app design for New Media Production is still at large, and the re-production of Radio Production. 

Hopefully by the next time I post, the New Media Production work, will no longer require my attention. 

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