Weekly Changy

Weekly Changy

Friday 18 May 2012

Common Sense & Finishing Lines

Here you see what I see when handing in my work. This glorious yellow slip of paper, is the signifier of completion of your module. However this is not the end of University work. No, there is still more to do believe it or not. As for the majority of other students, they have finished for the year, in which you may notice that they will be contacting you, asking how you have been, because they have not had the chance to socialise to you because of the semester. 

If you wonder why your friend in University is not talking to you, it may not be the fact that they do not like you, it is because they are nearing the end of a semester. So socialising gets thrown out of the window. Socialising, is the one to go first from the student. Socialising is the crew member wearing the red shirt in Star Trek. 

What you see there, is the completion of the following modules: Television Production, Media Ethics, Media Research Project and New Media Production. I am not going to lie, but this semester has been one of the toughest semester's of my entire University life. Emotionally straining, Stressfully straining and time straining. 

What about Radio Production?

To really test university work stamina, is to go through all of that, and to go and complete one more module... Just, one, more. James Chew, Marcus Bonnick and myself, have to march back into Markeaton Campus, and get back to it. As I sit here and wonder, I wonder why after working on harder modules, is it harder to even think about doing this module. It is to re-produce a 30-minute radio programme. Why so hard? Here's why:

Not because of work of course, because that is where this was taken. But because of the beginning of summer. Throughout the spring semester, when doing work, I look to the right of my desk and there is a window, and 97.999999999% of the time, there is bad weather happening outside, which makes me think: "huh, well there's clearly nothing for me to do outside, better carry on with work, derp." but now, seeing beautiful weather outside, its very tempting to put everything down, stop everything, and go do something entertaining that you want to do, I mean after all, lots of work has been completed now right? but there is still one more to do....

Common Sense?

Yes, common sense, the ultimate thing some people lack of, and to be fair, I have limited supplies of this common sense. Your probably wondering what common sense has to with this post? I'll tell you right after you finish reading this sentence, you finished yet? oh come on! hurry up! you done? not yet? okay well let me know when your done. Okay anyway this blog has got more common sense. This is because I have readers from other countries, and they visit my blog, bringing along their language, and where is the use of reading someone's blog if it is not in your dialect? Now blogger has implemented Google Translate! I have not tried it yet, however now, all of you people that have read my blog numerously from various places such as Russia, Germany, and France, you may now read what I have to say in your language now, Yay.

What now?

With most of university work done now, with just one more to do, what are you going to do with the rest of the summer Changy? 

When riding along the university semester, there comes various times where I think of personal stuff for me to do. Stuff that I want to do to make me a better individual in the specified industry, or just long personal projects that I want to begin planning or working on for the future, or just work on stuff that I think will be fun or just because I feel like it. I am sure that I am not the only one reading this that feels the same way, and I say the summer is a great time to do it, and that I support you in doing so. It takes inspiration for everyone to do something. For me at the moment, I feel inspired to make a song. As sad as it sounds it is because of Deadmau5's new song, 'The Veldt'. As sad as it sounds but some songs inspire me to work on something. 

I'll Leave you with that.

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