Weekly Changy

Weekly Changy

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Get Out, Stress Out, Get In, Pack Out, Relax In

I don't know whether I use the phrase:
 'It's that time of the year again.'
But I feel that I use it too often, and so I 
would like to announce that I will be using it
for the introduction of this new post.
Here we go.

It's that time of the year again. Like lots of University students, your all preparing for the same mother nature occurrence that shifts us all from one hibernating ground to another. The random adjective jibberish I speak of is moving out time is upon us. To pack all of your things and get out of your hole, your ground, your hiding place, your sanctuary, your hell pit, or quite possibly your temporary home.   
Some of you may be feeling relieved to be moving out, others may be annoyed, others may be horny. Whatever emotion you feel, you must all think one similar thing, and that is:

 Do you not think it's gone fast?

I actually remember the first day I moved into the house that I am currently inside right now typing this post up. A very hectic day as lots of different things were happening all at different times in the day, for instance, being at the agency office at 9am to pick up the keys and pay the top up rent, going to collect the van with all of our belongings on the drive of the old house. Transport the van to the new house which was probably the most difficult driving job I have ever had to do to date. Then to literally throw everything into the new house, race the van back before 12 or 11, then get a cab back to the new house, unpack a little, get ready for work, then get to work for 12:30. 

I find that you do not just take your belongings with you, but you take the memories as well. The top five things I remember are:

Being sick in the toilet and to have Kenneth Barnett Laugh at me as he is lying in the bath tub laughing, unaware that later on he could not get out, because of his alcohol levels.

Waking up in the morning to have learned that I had vomited on the wall of my room, partially the landing floor, and parts of the toilet due to a heavy drinking session. 

Testing out walking up the stairs whilst looking through a floppy laptop glass thing.

Wanting to go to bed around 5am after drinking in the living room with Kenneth Barnett, with him being unable to function his limbs and flopping around on my bed like turtle on its back, saying statements that he had previously stated 20mins ago.

Attempting to kill a wasp that entered my room, and hitting over 10 times with a Dj-mag. I assure you this was in self defence.


New subject now, for I must ask an open minded question. When I was recently in work, one of the morning staff, was asking me about my University work and what I do. Upon telling him we got into a discussion over Ethics. He believes that your own Ethics is precious and easily manipulated, which I agreed. What made the discussion more interesting is that he also believes, to this day, that pursuing any professional career will harm his Ethics and the way he views the world, which is something that he does not want, and so that is his explanation for not pursuing professional careers. 

I quote:

"You know, in that sort of industry (media), people will tell you what to do, how to think, Im not the person dya know what I mean? I will still be the same through out, no one can change me, if it's wrong in my eyes it's wrong, I won't do it."

My question (or argument against this if you like) is that surely where ever you work your Ethics will be altered in a way you will think differently of the world and of people? 
Everybody has a different build up of Ethics as a child, but from birth your Ethics have been constantly altering in the way you think, so why stop? Is it bad?

I did ask him this, but our discussion was disrupted so I never got a answer to it.

Ladies & Gentlemen.

May I have your attention please.

In the previous post I was detailing my personal work that I am still currently going through. It has been a long winded task, not exactly difficult but none the less, long. This is not finished, but it has come to the stage where I can reveal what it is. I introduce to you all, My new YouTube Channel, known as what would have been the 'Iwas There' Channel, but Google does not like this so it has to be known as the 'James Chang YouTube Channel'...Oh well.

What's on it?

Well this new YouTube Channel holds an archive of clubbing event highlights, from the past 2 years. This is what I like to call it, you on the other hand, may interpret it as me yelling a lot on lots of different content on the channel. Interpret it as you like but that is what the channel is for. 

Ever wanted to go to a clubbing event but never attended? 
Want to see what happened?
Check it out!

P.S I would rather you go on YouTube and look at this introduction video as the screen width is better than this little peep hole. 

Next Time on Weekly Changy (If I remember)

I'll report to you about this event:

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