Weekly Changy

Weekly Changy

Friday 27 January 2012

Would You?

From looking around at the world I am realising strange occurances that Im hearing in the news. Strange occurances that I believe are coincidental the fact that its all in 2012. Such as the Costa Concordia crash, the aurora borealis radiation thing thats happening in our atmosphere. It even comes down to little things, such as £1m worth of cocaine delivered to UN by mistake. Man 'forgotten' in police confinement for 2 years. This is a strange year.

At this moment in time I have been enjoying time off work because I had booked time off to go and do work experience. How did that go you ask?
Well if you have read my previous post, you will understand that there was no work experience due to lack of communication. I wont get myself started. Anyway there was no work experience so it has been relaxing time. Apart from this week. University has officially started again. With the ball rolling again, already there has been an outlook as to what lies ahead for this spring semester. Looks interesting, but tough. Word counts are getting bigger by each assignment. Which is never a good sign. The good sign to this semester is that I am with more and more people that I know. If there was one thing that I realised about the last semester, I barely was with Kenneth Barnett, nor Abigail Armstrong. This semester it seems that my work path will integrate with their work paths.

Sometimes when It comes to starting a semester again, I feel as if my work mind is like a set of cogs that are not moving whilst on a break. As soon at the semester starts though, they get to work. Then they will often halt and jam because of distractions, one being minecraft. Once again though, from being on winter break, I am looking forward to this semester. As stated previously, it will be tough, but none the less entertaining and massive learning curve for me and all of us going through the same thing that I am going through.

This is James Chang, reporting for James Chang, signing out

If you are or were to be in a relationship,
Would you forgive your partner if caught cheating?
Would you cheat on your partner?
Would you be willing to lose friends over your partner?
Would you allow your partner to make decisions for you?
Would you let them go off with their friends on a holiday without you?
Would you let them walk to areas at night by themselves?
Would you be okay if your partner was posting pictures of themselves half naked?
Would you be fine with your partner messaging other people of your sex that you dont know?
Would you allow for an open relationship?
Would you accept if you partner wanted a threesome with another person of your sex?
Would you be fine if your partner flirted with people they know?
Would you allow your partner to remain friends with their ex-partner thats messed up their lives socially, and psychologically?
Would you say to others that you were single?
Would you have days where you do not want to see them at all?
Would you allow your partner to pressure you into something you dont want to do?
Would you have a relationship at all?
Would you be fine being single?
Would you?

Some people would.

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