Weekly Changy

Weekly Changy

Sunday 8 January 2012

Back To Basics

2012 has begun and from being seduced by seasonal spirit and getting high on celebration, It is time now to get back to basics. To get back into running order of my usual workings.

New Years Eve

The great thing I think about New Years Eve is thinking that everyone in the world is waiting until midnight just as you are. Not at the same time, but none the less the celebrations are practically global. One of the main thoughts in which was circling around my head was what everyone was doing when midnight struck, and the 2012 clock started to tick. For me, I was jumping up and down and was about to witness John 00 Fleming produce a crazy set at Godskitchen with Dave Collins and Alex Thornthwaite. I dont know whether yours was any similar, and If you were there then high five to you!

Remembering this occasion, has sparked my memory to think about other new years eve parties I have been at when it came to this type of celebration.

The 2011 NYE found me at a house night at Chibuku in Liverpool. At the precise time I was jumping up and down, again, with Dave Collins and Alex Thornthwaite, again, however I cannot remember who the DJ was. This was also a very good NYE, just as good as this years NYE.

The 2010 NYE found me at Cruise nightclub in Chester. The precise time saw me jumping up and down, again, with Dave Collins and NO Alex Thornthwaite unfortunately. This was a night that wasnt great, but it was a night that ended being a funny night. The highlight of this night was the performance of a random saxophone player that was playing over every song.

So as you can see my new years eve parties are quite similar. If you were to ask me about new years eve parties, I will tell you the night but there will be no need to tell you who will be attending, because I believe it will be a bit obvious.

           " When it comes to a new years revolution I dont even bother creating one. Theres no need. By the time the year ends you wont remember what it was in the first place, Further more why would you need to wait until the new year to do something good for yourself? why cant you just be good all year round?"
Janet Chang, December 2011.

I think my mother makes an excellent point. If you were to ask me what my new years revolution is, this practically what answer your going to get. It's true though, ask yourself this: Why would do something new now? and why did I have to wait until now to do it? 

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