Weekly Changy

Weekly Changy

Friday 13 January 2012

My Prediction Of The Future

So for this latest blog post, I am of course going tell you whats been happening with me and my life in the past week or so, but in this latest blog post I am also going to be telling you my official prediction of the future.

Communication is a wonderful thing dont you know. It means that you can send and receive information from other people and other parties. With communication, comes other different variants of communication,  mis-communication, breakdown communication. Recently I have come to the conclusion, why do we have to have breakdown communication and mis-communication? they are both annoying, pointless and non-progressive. As Im sure you've catched on now that I have had one of the two types of communication. Breakdown communication in fact. Its like you start talking to someone important about an important subject, you get along with whats needed to be said, and then all of the sudden, the person your talking to magically transforms into a brick wall, and all that is left to say is: "Herpa Derp".

Other than that University work has not progressed in the slightest, sorry lecturers. However I have been progressing very well with reading. As for work, it has been same old same old. Only recently two members of staff have been arguing. Childish arguments. As in "he didn't do this, he didn't do that" They tell me both sides of the story, I then tell them that I think its pointless to be arguing over something so small. Oh well.


Yes Its time now to head into the main article of my post. I guess its time of the year where the media and various people have different ideas and predictions about the future. Some americans find themselves believing that 2012 will see the end of humanity, that every volcano will erupt along with earthquakes and whatever else they can think of at the time, will happen all at the same time. There are other predictions that there will be geographical change in the tectonic plates that will see countries moving closer, and continents and countries shifting patterns and so on.

My prediction is not necessarily a geographical shift. but a cultural and populous one. As the years go on, I see that more and more different kinds of people from different countries are moving to other regions. Immigrants were a minority in England, but now I do not think that this is the case. Now some of you might think that this is not fair, why should England get so many immigrants from Poland, Pakistan, India, wherever. We are not the only ones. We are all the same. Spain and France get immigrants from Poland and Romania, they are a minority at the moment, but in the coming years you may see that they will be the majority. America, is another example, from Irish, Mexican and Spanish.

As the minority become the majority, I predict that us, as a population, will move onto to another country. Some of us will stay, but the majority of us will be moving to another country, and not only us. Other countries will be doing the same. I predict that we will become immigrants of another country, and this has already started. Right now Australia holds over 1 million British immigrants. They are the minority over there, but this will change in the coming years. I see a future where populations will be shifting into different countries. A lot of populations will be moving everywhere around the world, but the majority of us will move together. 
I see in the coming years that we will be living and joint colonising with Australia. A country that was once part of the British empire, will be our next home. The mass space and great weather and economy is what drives us to move over there, and there is a growing number of people that will be doing this. Now if you are a reader from Australia, you must be feeling that this prediction, for you, does not sound good to you, however there are positives to this, economically and financially for you, this would make Australia more powerful in those categories than ever before. 
As stated earlier, I feel that we will not be the only ones. Populations will be moving to different countries over time. 

There is already evidence that this could be happening, and I feel that this is where the future lies for us all.

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