Weekly Changy

Weekly Changy

Wednesday 8 August 2012

What Else?

Everything is back normal.

By this I mean with the Internet back into my vains, and back into my new household, the usual time spent surfing the web is back to the way it was, is it a good thing? who knows, and with Internet usage back, this means my services on the web are now up to date. 


Looking at statistics on both Weekly Changy & the James Chang YouTube channel, turns out that I will be reaching 3000 views on the Weekly Changy soon, and I have now gone over 1000 views on the new-ish YouTube Channel, so it's all good online. Going through more digging on viewers, I found that the YouTube Channel is a lot more global. Viewers from Egypt, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Singapore, Morocco, India, Hong Kong and many more. These regions haven't never viewed the Weekly Changy. Why Im stating all of this to you? I don't really know myself, Im just amazed at how small the world is. 

At this moment in time, apart from right now as I am sitting on my computer chair typing one sentence at a time, pausing, staring, reading back at what's been typed, and continuing to type, this has been a partly relaxed and partly worked 1-2 weeks. The worked bit surprisingly, is the good bit. Not at my part time place that is, for you see, I have recently and finally got myself some work experience. Trying to get work experience (in my experiences) is almost as hard as trying to explain what Dr Thornthwaite works on everyday at his University (which is difficult). Finally getting this, I dream of the manager grabbing his assistant, pointing at me and state the following: 

"Hey! That guy, that guy right there, find him, and hire him!"

A man can dream though, a man can dream.
This work experience excites me, and the upcoming festival Creamfields, also excites me. A festival that was (apart from the acts) terrible, because of the performance of the weather, and the extreme bad luck that myself, Dave Collins and Dr Thornthwaite received, made the festival smelly, muddy, wet and ...bad, a time where when it ended, I swore NEVER to do it again, or at least never camp again. Guess what Im doing for Creamfields? 

I will camp in a Tauntaun. It will be easier,
I can ride it, with all of my stuff on it,
and then kill it, and camp in it,
just like Luke Skywalker. By doing this,
I will have a better time than last year.

On a truthful note I will be camping again but in a bigger tent, from the last one. I didn't want to do it, but unfortunately I had no choice. This time it shall only be myself and Dave Collins. Dr Thornthwaite will not be joining us for this year, I sincerely hope for good weather, but I very much doubt it, if it at least doesn't rain as much, I will be satisfied. All year I have not really been looking forward to it, because of last year, but now the time is near, I am actually looking forward to it, regardless the events of last year. If you are going to Creamfields this year, I shall hope to see you there, most probably in deep mud. 

P.S Whilst at Global Gathering, I noticed 2-3 camera operators in the Lucozade Yes Arena, so I wanted to get into the background, unfortunately I am not in the background much, only one side of my arm and torso. Dave Collins' face and arm is seen in the background, but it is Dr Thornthwaite, who takes the gold for background shot, with his entire upper body, right in the middle of the background, which is a perfect shot of him. 

08:44-08:52 is our measly mini clip of us all,
 on this program known as Summer Daze

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