Weekly Changy

Weekly Changy

Saturday 4 August 2012

Hello World.

Hibernation time is over for me and for the Weekly Changy. I must confess, hibernation time has actually been over for approximately a week and a half, but I have been busy working on a few things and so the Weekly Changy was left untouched, until now. 

My full time without Internet was approximately 3 weeks. Yep, 3 weeks, if any of you have lasted longer, I salute you. These past 3 weeks, were not too bad, but doing everyday things that you would do on the Internet, you had to do the 'old fashioned' way, if you can call it that. 

3 weeks without Internet? What did I miss the most?

Everyday I would wake up and turn my computer on, and this is what I would see in the top right corner of my screen. It's not the greatest thing to look at to be fair, but it just meant what to do on my computer was limited. 
If you think about what you do personally in your life, how much of it revolves around the Internet? For me it would be banking, emailing, social networking, chatting on skype (not often some may argue), downloading, uploading, blogging, listening, watching, keeping informed, gaming, updating and finally staring at Kenneth Barnett's photos for 3 hours. All of that Internet activity, disappears for 3 weeks. 
If you were to ask me, "what did you miss the most?" you may think, out of all of those activities it would be staring at Kenneth Barnett's photos for hours on end, but it wasn't.
On a serious note what I missed the most was the social networking, when having the Internet, you can keep close contact with loads of people over social networks, and because of this easy instant access, there was sometimes not a need to even socialise (as sad as it sounds) because you can always find out what people are up to. Without this access, you have to resort to other ways of communication, like text messaging and phone calls, but I find that people communicate like that when the recipients are very close to them. So being without this access wanted me to catch up with people, that I haven't spoken to in a while.

I must admit, seeing this again in the top right corner feels very good, and the feeling can be summed up in one sentence: "Hello World."

"But, But you said you were doing things whilst you had no Internet?"

This is true, I cannot fully remember what I mentioned in the previous post, but I mainly remember it being something about music making. I can tell you that I am still at it, its been fun making music to be fair, using Ableton Live. Throughout this random music messing, I have concluded, that when it comes to making tracks, I can only either make synths for a track, or the beats. For some reason, I cannot put the two together to save my life, I have tried, but the two I want to put together, just never go together. Ive gone through a few lessons, but not enough to say I can work Ableton. My recordings are no way near completion to a point where I can post them on here, sorry.

Global Gathering 2012.

So as you may or may not know, Global Gathering 2012 was on Friday and Saturday (27th & 28th of July). If you went then you will know how good the weather was and how lucky we all were to have such good weather.

My report starts with the wake up call of my alarm (which reluctantly was Abigail coming in from work) at 5am. Dr Thornthwaite, sleeping in the spare bedroom, was eventually woken up 30 mins later. When we hit the road it was approximately 6:20am. Not bad timing, we drive all the way down the Stratford Upon Avon, and didn't manage to see many people heading in the same direction. When getting there,  at about 8:34am there was only a handful of people here before us, like in this picture above. I would go off by saying there was about 150+ there when we arrived, when it came to letting people in at 10:15am, yep that's right, this was the queue behind us:

Inspecting this image now, it doesn't look like there's as much people, but there was. When getting in, we head to the very nice, big, open, non muddy, campsite. Myself and Dr Thornthwaite engaged in construction of my tent, and after approximately 30 minutes:

Of course when it came to having camp set up, the best thing to do is to socialise with the people that are around you. The people you can see in the picture were a group of nice people from Barnsley. The tent to the right of this picture were 3 guys who were also nice guys, and the 2 guys in front of us were not English, I think they were either Polish or Russian. When taking this picture, I was standing on a pile of hay. This pile of hay was great for jumping on, diving on, lying on, sitting on, and drinking on, and eventually socialising on. Because we had a mound of hay to sit on right outside our tent, we had a few people come and talk to us. So morale of that? bring hay to boost socialising.

The next bit that happened, I do not have any pictures of or videos to show you.... Because from 11:05am to approximately 16:30pm I got very drunk, Dr Thornthwaite and I got very hungry, we went and got food, and by food, I mean the meatiest sandwich known to man, which was like meaty cocaine for someone that was very drunk:

After this god-like sandwich, we went back to the tent (I think) and I passed out. Now when it comes to going on night's out, and festivals, usually I mention Dave Collins in my posts, and If you were wondering, He did go to this festival, but had to work in the morning and so he arrived around 17:30pm, after I woke up (kind of sobered up) and me and Dr Thornthwaite were in the main festival area. 

With the geek team assembled, what followed was long lovely rave. 

*Catch all of the Video Highlights on my YouTube Channel*:


'Summer'rising' Global Gathering 2012

You know when you go somewhere and you find it amazing, and when you go back you find it wasn't as good as the first time you went? This was not the case for this years Global Gathering. 2011 Global Gathering was amazing, and Global Gathering 2012 was equally amazing. 

The top 3 highlights that made the festival were:

3. All the booze I got in.
2. The Meaty Cocaine Sandwich.
1. The Weather.

The top 5 live acts that I saw (In my opinion) were:

5. Armin Van Buuren.
4. Funkagenda.
3. Mat Zo.
2. Above & Beyond.
1. Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs.

I didn't know what to expect from T.E.E.D, but I found each track trippy, different, creative, inspiring, and beautiful. I will definitely be going to see him again.

*To Reiterate, look up the video highlights of these acts on my channel, because its better quality than these little 'peep holes' on my blog:*


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