Weekly Changy

Weekly Changy

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Weekly Changy Moves Location.

Hello Everyone...

After gazing into space, biting my fingers and wondering what to say I've finally thought of something. 

So for the past week and a half or so, I have been ferociously busy with my time. Once again I am on another deadline, but this is not a deadline for handing university paperwork, this is a deadline to get all of my things out of the house before I become homeless for approximately 24 hours, and then I will be moving into my new temporary home for the final year of University. 

As you may have guessed, I have yet to pack away the exact device that I am using to type this post away into it's box. Im going to do this on the last day to be honest. 1 or 2 days ago, 'me bird' Abigail asked me:

"Are you nervous about moving in?"

At the time I said no, which is true, I've done this twice before so I am not nervous. As spectacularly pathetic as this sounds I am more concerned at the fact that I may be without the Internet and the Web for more than 24 hours. Seriously, turn around right now. Now look left, then right, then up and down and where ever else you have not looked... Do you see it? Of course you don't, its Wifi (and 3G if you like).  It's just there, and almost everyone is dependent on it nowadays, this is what I can relate of it:

"The Force (or Wifi in my case) is what gives a Jedi (you) his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together." 
- Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Now can you tell me what this quote tells us? ... Yep you guessed it, Obi-Wan Kenobi, invented the Internet.

For approximately 1.3 seconds I got excited, reason being is that the next post will be in the new house, new room, new desk, new ideas? who knows. What is exciting me a lot lot lot lot more at the moment is that it's 5 weeks to go until Global Gathering 2012 kicks off. The festival that I have been looking forward to all of last and this year, ever since it ended last year. With my YouTube channel up and running, expect lots of coverage at the festival. Which reminds me, the rest of this post will be dedicated to my very late report of the night 'Digital Society Presents Full on Ferry'.

Full on Ferry - Leeds

The actual day of this event was a specific day where there was no way of me getting out of work, and so the usual Sunday 6:30am wake up for work was the beginning of the day. Boring work came and went. My next task was rush home, grab my gear that I had prepared the night before, and rush to the train station to catch a 1h 48m train ride straight to Leeds. I am pleased to report that I did actually manage to get that train and was in Leeds at 19:07pm. A city where I had never been before. 

If I can give any advice to someone that has never been to Leeds, and are getting a train there, the advice is this: Do not create any litter, because there is no bin to be seen, not anywhere in the train station, nor outside. I don't know whether it was just me but I could not find one anywhere. 

I arrive at the hotel with precision timing. So nothing to do but wait for Dave Collins and Dr Thornthwaite to arrive at the hotel, becuase Dave had the room res'. After 30-35 minutes of waiting they arrive, and in style. I do not have a picture of what Dave looked like but picture this: Adam Jensen with a wooly jumper and a back pack. Dave looked so good, that Dr Thornthwaite had to rapidly create a black hole in the lobby to suck in the girls that were trying to grab Dave's face to suck it and to engage in intercourse with him.

Moving along now. Got ready. Went out:

These were the scenes at Full on Ferry. Not bad considering I got my ticket for free. 

I am not always a believer of VIP, when it comes to nightclubs and night outs, however I was the competition winner for the event, and so very luckily I got 2 free VIP tickets. What I was really impressed with when it came to VIP at this event, was the exclusive bar, with very little queue's, and the toilets. For once no one was in the toilets to do drugs, which I was surprised with. To top it all off was the incredible view we had when it came to having a time out from all the raving. 

...I have just looked at the content I got from the event. Turns out I have more video content than pictures, which means these videos will eventually wind up on YouTube on my channel so keep a look out.

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