Weekly Changy

Weekly Changy

Sunday 8 December 2013

Unknown Festival 2013, What I know...Part 4 Boat Party Special

This post is exactly what it says in the title.

The review and the story continues, however this is to only look deep into what went on at the boat parties.

First of all you may be thinking, 'He went on more than one?' and yeah your right! Me and Dave were really fortunate to have spent a ridiculous amount on buying boat party tickets the day they all went on sale. In truth we actually missed one of them. This was the 'Welcome Boat Party 2' because we were given free tickets to 'Welcome Boat Party 1' which was earlier in the afternoon, and best of all, was in the beautiful sunshine.

If there's one main thing I learned from boat parties, its that the afternoon ones are best, because (usually) of the weather. Also make sure you bring enough money for drinks with you, I would say about £40-50 with you.

So this is the second part to 'Derpiness...At Sea'

So from experiencing being in the sea, it was time to experience it at sea. From going back to the tent to get ready, we managed to ask a rep how we got to the boat party. From telling us, we found that we were to get a coach into Rovinj main harbour, where we would set sail.

When arriving at the main harbour, there were many boats harboured up, but it was obvious to find out which was our boat part boat:

With a stage on the top, it wasn't hard to find it.

The setup was really good, as they were not allowed to play any music at the harbour, this was your time to exchange your money into 'Boat Party Cupon'...yes that's right, 'Cupon' not 'Coupon' nice engrish right there. 

It was also time to get your drinks in, and take a look around the beautiful surroundings:

Ironically the music properly started playing when we had got to a distance where we were not only far away from the port, but also passing the festival itself, which was fun to look at.

We can also take this time to say hello to our second photo bomber, whoever this girl is, I bid you hello! from all who see you on my post. For your consideration, you can see the main stage from this pic, which is the big greyish dome on the right. The two buildings that have dark grey roofs are the breakfast/restaurant areas.

So what music to expect on the welcome boat party? I personally was expecting some deep chill out house or something, turns out I was wrong, and what amazing and surprising music they played:

In case this video window is too small:

This welcome boat party of classics continued. Now when being back home, I'm not the one to be listening to any of this music. But hearing it there, and at that time was right for the occasion.

Quick Note
Because Blogger has no way of embedding my other videos via URL, I have to derperly link the rest of the videos. Not what I had in mind, but you can blame Blogger's derpy video upload interface.

So as you can see there was not a sad or angry face in sight, and we were surrounded by beautiful landscapes.

Now whilst on this boat party, me and Dave did meet some great people, however I cannot remember any of their names. The only way I remember them was by their actions at the time I met them, or randomly remembering where they said they were from. For instance I met a tall chap from Manchester, who every time we saw him, he had two drinks in his hands...always. We also met a nice guy whom was talking to us about Hideout Festival too and I strangely remember his name, he was called Ben who was from Preston.

Your probably thinking to yourself, 'there's not a lot of derpiness here?' Yes that's true, as the derpiness at sea happened on the way back. When the boat start moving back to the harbour, things were still nice and chill, and in fact they kept rolling out the classics such as this beaut from Luther Vandross:

Now following this lovely looking video, things got a little crazy. For my own safety I did not get my phone out to record what happened, although I kind of wish I had, just to show you all how mad the entire boat party went from then.

From my understanding, I assume to this day that whilst on the way back, the driver of the boat suddenly realised he was behind schedule to get the boat back to the harbour. This was because all of the sudden the boat seemed to have been put on full throttle, and to top it off the boat was driving against the current. So when all of us were drunkenly dancing on board, it began to get very bumpy for us all. Not to mention that everyone was spilling their drinks because of the bumpy waters. This eventually led to around 10-13 people to begin spontaneously fall over. It did take a while for me to fall over, because I was trying my hardest not to, alas I eventually fell over when a guy in front fell over, and then a girl next to me fell over, then down I went. 

The sensible people simply went off the dance floor and went downstairs to chill out. Us drunken 'still want to dance' people stayed up on the extreme slippery dance floor. All of us still on the floor made a large opening where some of us tried to do some slippery break dancing. This led to the first guy trying it, to fall over non-stop whilst up there (until we got back).
Dave tried and failed very quickly as he fell over with a girl in which led them both to slide and roll to the side of the boat. 
The top moment of this was when all of the sudden, some guy went into our man made circle and then successfully accomplished the 'worm' dance in which led us all to cheer him.
Then someone else tried and he simply fell straight to the floor, which made an outburst of laughter from everyone.

In the end, when we got back to the harbour, 
everybody simply began walking off,
except the guy who kept falling over.

I wasn't joking, he literally didn't stop falling over. Every time he attempted to get back up, he kept yelling "Where's me flip flop?! ,  Anyone seen me flip flop?!". So in fact it was *Fall "Where's me flip flop?!" *Fall, and it didn't stop until we got back. Since I sometimes show an odd sense of humour, I was in hysterics every time I kept hearing him yelling the question.

Another reason to get the afternoon boat parties?

When we finally got off, I was pretty tired and had drank a fair bit,
and best of all, it was only 4pm. I had the rest of the afternoon to
chill, and then I had the rest of the night to party.

20 Years of Kompakt Boat Party

This was the only evening boat party me and Dave went on. This was a great boat party but alas not as good as the other two, simply because of the great sunshine, and the idea of having more to do in your day.

I did manage to catch the sun going down in spectacular fashion:

This boat party lineup consisted of Michael Mayer & DJ Koze. However If I remember DJ Koze couldn't make it because of a family member sadly passing away the day before. This boat party (apart from the weather) was very different from the other parties. It was this party in particular that had a big German presence, which surprised me a little. I don't really know Michael Mayer, nor DJ Koze. I only know of Michael Mayer because he played at the Kazimier in Liverpool and was brilliant. If they are both German, or play a lot in Germany then that would probably be the reason. 

What was obviously uniquely special about this party then was that I got to meet a couple of cool German people. Predominantly whilst waiting to use the toilets. This one guy I spoke to, spoke brilliant English, in which I had to apologise by stating: 

"I'm sorry, and barely know any German. Your putting me to shame here, your English may even be better than mine pal." His response after laughing was "Well we learnt it in school so, everybody gets taught it." 

Which also made me confess that I was taught French in school, and knew and know very little of that too. 
The pair of us could have spoken about this for ages, but he was dying for a poo, and I was dying for a wee, so our bodies made us stop talking.

T.E.E.D & Waze & Odyssey Boat Party

I saved the best for last. This was most definitely, the best boat party I have ever been on to date.  

It started out in the usual fashion of boat parties (as at this point I was used to them), convert money, get a drink, chill out for a bit until the music comes on. I knew this was going to be a different boat party, as the boat was different. There wasn't much of a stage, just a big table and a large deck area, which was really great.

Partying in once again, beautiful surroundings. This scenery was about to get more beautiful though. I don't mean by the women on board when I say this, I mean the scenery got more beautiful. This was how it went for me:

I was chilling at the front of the boat, with a few people. Just having a nice rum and coke, and all of the sudden these girls from the top of the boat started screaming. I look up and think 'What the hell?'. At this point they're still screaming and jumping around. I first think 'Has TEED just came on or something?', but then one of the girls up top starts pointing ahead, so I ponder 'What the hell are they screaming about?' this was not a scream in terror by the way, it was a scream in excitement.
Then I thought 'Perhaps they've never been on a boat before and they're mega excited about it.'. They keep pointing, screaming and jumping around, and so curiosity gets the better of me, and I stand up and look ahead. There's not much to see to be honest, its very much like what you see in the picture above...Oh wait hang on...whats that...I finally see what they're yelling about. Of course no one at the front has a clue, so I was more excited to tell everyone. Im sure you can probably guess what it was...Giant sea penis' were swimming around in the sea. Hah, no it was indeed Dolphins.
This was the first time I had ever seen dolphins swimming around in the wild, which is apparently rare to see nowadays. So what was the best and most derpiest way of announcing to the people at the front that Dolphins were there? "Oh shit, Dolphins!", as to which everyone gets up and leans over rapidly.
It was very much like the scene in Titanic when they see dolphins. Now the dilemma I was having at this point, was deciding whether I wanted to capture this on camera. Of course I had been drinking, and it was bumpy. Whilst the Dolphins were putting on a beautiful natural performance of jumping around, I derperly attempt to carefully get my phone out to capture it. Of course when I finally decide to record it, they stop jumping and you can barely see them on my camera:

Just in case this video window is poo:

So I was unlucky to capture it, but I do remember it vividly. My luck would soon change though (not with Dolphins I mean, just in general). So after the warm up guy Dom Chung played his set, wouldn't you know it he came over and sat by me and Dave which is where his mates were located. From briefly speaking to him and his mates and laughing at one of his very drunk mates who could barely walk, I was already thinking of how lucky we were just for meeting Mr Chung, it was really great.
Waze & Odyssey do their set which was uniquely genius, as was TEED's set. They were hitting all the expectations of the boat party, and eventually it led to them both playing alongside each other which was great to witness.
My luck got better as when you see how close I managed to rave to them:

So even at this point I was pathetically starstruck at how close I was. As the massive joint set went on, Me, Dave and the crowd were really loving it as you can see by all of these happy people:

There was actually a guy on the boat that I had met on the first boat party. This was the Manchester guy who always had two drinks in his hands every time I saw him...and guess what? He was stood right in the corner with two drinks in his hands whilst trying to dance. It was a funny sight.

Surely my time can't get any better? 

Yeah It sure can:

Not only meeting Orlando, but I also was privileged to meet his whole team including the dancers. From this my response when meeting them all was: "Yeah Im actually your hired clubber, Im just here to rave it up...on minimum wage too!".

Although I only had the time so say that and to thank Orlando for a brilliant experience into his set and also meeting him, he was as you can imagine very occupied with his team trying to talk to him, and with everyone else practically on the boat.
From amazing luck in getting the chance to meeting Orlando, I was then determined to meet Waze & Odyssey. When finding one of them whom had just had glitter thrown on him, I gathered his attention by saying: 

"Excuse me my glittery DJ, I don't suppose I could get a picture with you could I?" 

From there I got talking to the big tall chap next to me, I am unsure which of Waze & Odyssey he is, but what a guy. I managed to speak to him a lot more than TEED, as Orlando was seeing to the rest of party people. I was truly blown away at how nice he was, as when it comes to my luck in meeting other DJ's, its only very very brief. A quick "Great set!" and thats it. They were both so great to talk to. I do remember letting them know that 'Bump 'N' Grind (Waze & Odyssey Mix) was the tune of the festival, and thanked them for making it.

This has been a very long post, I will admit. If you have read about 20% of it I thank you for reading. If more than 50%, well done!
If you have the read the whole thing, then my god I applaud you!

I will finish off with a lovely photo of the photographer of the
boat party. I thought he should have been included in the 
main picture so I took a picture of him.

End of part 4.

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