Weekly Changy

Weekly Changy

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Unknown Festival 2013, What I know...Part 3

Previously on part 2:

Me and Dave were almost not allowed on the coach,
Me and 23 other men all peed against a tall bush,
I took lots of pictures of Italy,
We went past lots of pizza places,
I had to say 'Im on the Guest list' over 10 times,
Dave's luggage kept flipping over by itself, 
I used derpy Croatian,
and Dave broke my torch whilst setting up our tent in the dark...

So let's continue shall we? Here's a look at the aftermath of the derpiness and drama of setting up the tent:

The tent looks fine right? I was surprised like you are when I first looked at it in the morning...

In case your wondering, as to reference from the events from last night, I will answer some of them now:

That big rock in the bottom corner was NOT the rock the torch landed on, it was actually a rock behind the tree.

The 398 or 390 slab is behind the tent, which is why you can't see it.

All of our luggage was in between the two trees when we got there.

What you CAN'T see in this picture was that between to other trees close by, we actually had a line to dry our towels. We also had, complimentary, absolutely FREE...ants. Ants that seemed a lot bigger than ones I've ever seen. You also can't see the 1-2 trees that had coloured paper stapled to them to represent the camping zone.

When I woke up, it was actually fairly early, considering that we were exhausted from the other night, and considering we eventually went to sleep at around 1:30am. I woke up very tired to be honest, so why did I wake up? out of the following options what do you think woke me up? ....obviously before I tell you what actually woke me up...

A) Ants were in the tent
B) Dave was touching me
C) I needed the toilet really bad
D) The heat was unbearable  
E) There was a spider on my face
F) Someone told me to wake up

There's a lot of options for you to choose from, so which do you think? the truth is was that all of them happened...at once.

...No not really, that would have been funny for you to read and would probably be the most dramatic wake up for someone ever.

In fact it was D, I woke up sweating. If you smell your arm pit right now... go on do it, anyway it was worse than that. It was so bad as soon as I woke up I tiredly crawled out of my tent to get some air, and to unzip the vent at the back of my tent.

It was similar to the scene in Ace Ventura, when he is stuck in the elephant robot without ventilation.

After finally receiving oxygen from outside, I also received a fully injection of happiness and excitement...why? It was because it was then when I realised, its the first day of the holiday/festival. Why wouldn't you be excited for whats ahead? knowing that I had 2 possible welcome boat parties to go on in the afternoon/evening and apart from that, we had most of the day to explore and do whatever we wanted.

For those who know Dave the rave, he is difficult to wake up. I mean even the extreme heat inside the tent didn't wake him up. One time back in Creamfields 2010, I got one of our camping neighbours to wake him up, and turns out she punched him to wake him up...and it worked. This time however, a simple shout woke him, and I also pointed out how hot it was in the tent.

Breakfast Time

For 60 Kuna, you could get an all you can eat buffet breakfast at the Amarin resort restaurant. Something which I've never witnessed at any other festival.

More derpy croatian was used that morning. 'Dobro Jutro' was used to greet the staff, in which resulted in them looking surprised. There were some simple pleasures I enjoyed that morning. For instance, the orange juice you see there, was from concentrate, and it tasted really sugary which made it taste amazing. That pear, was chilled, really juicy and soft. The 'milk' bit in the 'Coko milk' spread was odd, but nice. It was this location where throughout the week, you would see people you saw the previous night that were really drunk, and you would see them looking and acting like zombies. 
It was always a nice atmosphere there. The breakfast space was all shared between the event organisers, local and british staff, festival goers such as myself, Dave Collins, The Dancing Misanthrope, Ethan Mounfield, and Ollie Bishop whom became a fan of the bacon and sausage..from what I saw anyway, to be far the bacon was nice.

When walking back to our tent, there was one thing everyone seemed to be doing in the campsite, can you guess what it was?

Bare in mind that we were looking around a lot as this was the first time we had properly seen the campsite areas as we arrived in the night. We saw a lot of people queuing, for the showers. This was a regular morning start for practically everyone. At the campsite toilets, they have 2 hot showers on the inside for men and the same for women. I will have you know the queue was a lot bigger for the women. Anyway there was also an outdoor cold shower, which obviously had no queues. 
There was one time where I actually had the chance to use one of the hot showers in the morning, as I had found one that no one was using, however when you see it, you can understand why I did not use it too:

For most mornings I can confirm that I mainly used the cold showers (sometimes the clothes cleaning station. Sounds weird right? however it had a hot tap and was large enough to submerge half of yourself in nice warm water.). The cold showers brought me a new definition of cold, it was almost like it was chilled just to be cold. However, if there was any hungover, dirty, hot or tired feeling in me, they would soon disappear with the cold shower.

 This was my method for drying off. I had a towel, but mainly used that for the beach and the pool. So from getting freshened up, and the adequate lotion on, what better to do then head to the pool/beach area? This was one of our routes we would take from our tent location:

Derpiness...at Sea?

Yeah you read that correct. Me and Dave were derpy in the sea and at sea. Here's the first part:

We arrive at the pool area/beach. We see this beautiful pool area, and its really chill and hot. Im sure I have a picture of it somewhere let me look...Oh yeah here it is:

What you can't really see is what the sea was like when we got down to the beach. First day, and of course me and Dave are wanting to swim in the sea, however the sea is rough. Some people are swimming in it, but not a lot. The sea looked like this:

Just to clarify, the photo of the pool area was taken on another day. The weather was like the photo above...in the morning it was anyway.
So without any thought and with an instant impulse me and dave made a run for it into the sea, as you do. From doing this we failed to realise just how strong the current and the waves actually were, as for me personally, I was taking a battering by the waves. I knew Dave was incurring the same as I kept hearing what I thought was Solid Snake growling behind me. We were only in the shallow area as well, which must have looked pathetic for the pair of us. When trying to stand up, notice how I typed 'trying' as you couldn't as all the rocks were really slippy.

What took us a mere couple of seconds to get into the sea, it must have taken us around 3 minutes just to try and get out, and get out without looking like you were desperately trying.
After this experience in the sea, we were later told by some nice people that there were actually sea urchins in the sea... Our experience could have been worse.

We did take a break from the sea, as we had to dry off and head to our first boat party, which is our second part of derpiness at sea and also a special part 4 of the review, which will be just about mine and Dave's experience at the boat parties.

P.S For the next post, You may be seeing MORE than just pictures...

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