Weekly Changy

Weekly Changy

Friday 20 November 2015

A Final Note...

Wow, so It has been a while.

After this post though, the Weekly Changy will end. 

With 'Weekly' being the big laugh on this blog here, as quite frankly, it never really was weekly at all. I realised that one time when it came to the point where I had a dissertation to do and I was instead writing a post, I decided to carry on and I sat there, typed it up, then when I finished I realised that it had taken me around 4 hours. This wasn't even for Uni and wasn't even being marked, it was just me rambling on and for some reason, it took me that long to type up! upon realising that I kind of thought:

"Yeaaaaaaah, maybe I should concentrate on my uni work."

Then as time went on, other projects, other bits of work, or anything else that required my attention had me deserting the Weekly Changy. Considering that it was just for 1 university module, to create a blog, I had a really good run on it. Alas, I move onto other projects and other things. I have actually already done that, I just hadn't written a goodbye post. 

This obviously isn't the end of me and my work. I actually have some things to announce very soon. As far as web based projects go, I can confirm to you now that I am moving my 'business' to an actual website. When I mean 'website' I don't mean something Im coding myself from scratch, don't be silly! Im not Lewis Carter. 

No Im moving my web space to an actual website I open sourced and edited the code all by myself (and with some little help via Lewis Carter). Be sure to look out for my website. I can't say that the Weekly Changy will be on there but I will try and attempt to do smaller briefer posts that might suit my timing needs, just so posts won't take me 4 hours to do again.

This is the link to my new website:

Don't all rush there at once...

Further more, I have one other huge announcement to make. As a tribute to the Weekly Changy, I have recorded, mixed, edited and produced audio episodes of myself going back on the Weekly Changy to give out an exclusive read through and give out idiotic audio commentary on them. I re-read one of my first posts, and I cringed so bad I thought "Huh, It's kind of funny though, I may as well make the most of them." I will be bringing them out on my SoundCloud, which I will show on my website too.

Here's the first episode:

The Weekly Changy tribute show will hopefully be coming out with a new episode every Monday and Friday for the next 12 weeks! (Approximately). 

I would finally like to thank all of you, the gorgeous readers, for your reading support. I didn't get to over 5000 views over nothing. 5000 views isn't much as far as the internet's concerned, but it is something Im very proud of, so I thank you all. I hope you enjoy my other bits of work I have coming to mainly your ears soon!

Thank you and goodbye, x.

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