Weekly Changy

Weekly Changy

Friday 10 January 2014

The Moonshine Project

What What?


This is the Moonshine project that I worked on with Kenneth Barnett in our final stage of University. This was one of the last projects I ever did for the University and it was for the 'Radio Production 3' module.

So, It's a radio thingy?


Moonshine is a radio western drama, a 20 minute episode which we had to produce for a final radio module. The aim was to produce a high quality radio broadcast standard drama, of 20 minutes no more, no less.

A project, in which we actually finished earlier last year, has been on my SoundCloud only on private for only a number of people to listen, and now I thought the time was right to fully release it for all to hear.

Of course I believe there are some things in it that could have been improved, and many of you may feel the same, but I wish to keep it as it is. I might later on down the line re-master it, add more sound effects and perhaps better dialog, but for now I am to leave it exactly how we finished it last year. If you can even count these as reviews of the episode here's what some well known people to me, thought of the drama:

"ACE!, That's really really good. Simon! Get over here and listen to Jim's radio thing."

"mmmmm .... Really good."

Dave Collins
"Huh, that's dead good. Whens episode 2 coming out?"

So What is it about? Drinking Moonshine?


Moonshine is based on a Native Indian man, living in the west of the United States in 1868.

Moonshine succumbs to the immediate tragic loss of his tribe and his family in a vicious ambush by a rogue confederate gang. Moonshine is the so called fortunate one to have survived the brutal attack. From waking up to realise what has happened, his only life goal from there, is to seek revenge.

Listen Here:

The Mechanics of Moonshine

I will admit, it was difficult to simulate the sound of the west, when residing in Derby. There was always the option to simply download free sound effects to make the task easier, however in my opinion, if that is all you are doing to get your sound effects then your project isn't exactly original. Albeit there are 3 sound effects used in this that were downloaded, but the 24 (approximately) other sound effects were all done by myself and Kenneth.

All of the outdoor sounds you hear, were done on the Elvaston Castle grounds (Pictured above with a very cold Kenneth). This was due to being the best suitable location to gather 'natural' forest and animal ambient like sounds. Although the swans were being annoying as they kept shrieking every time we were trying to record.  

All the saloon minor sounds such as glass handling, sipping, swigging were all done in my old terrace house kitchen. The introduction harmonica audio was also done in the house.

The horse sounds were recorded at a nearby horse riding grounds. Which I remember well because it was so cold, and for some reason we seemed to be the only males on the site, which was odd. The pair of us found also found it difficult to gather horse recordings at the time because those whom were riding were in the middle of their lessons, and didn't want to help us.

Bonus Content

Believe it or not but when it came to completion of this module, this was the first time that we finished it early and had time to create more content for it. There was an extended edition made for hand-in, a 'Next-Time' audio advert created (which was added to the end of the episode) and finally an outtake compilation of Kenneth talking. This was the result of going through all the raw audio files and finding that Kenneth had been talking and messing around in some of the files, and others were simply outtakes. My favourite clip would be the outtake of Kenneth trying to swallow water. How he managed to mess up I don't know:

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