Weekly Changy

Weekly Changy

Saturday 25 May 2013

Weekly Changy Joins Forces With JAK'D Union.

This isn't actually breaking news, as this occurred on the 21st of April, but still its news alright!

"But what does this mean?"

Do not fear, Its not as like the Weekly Changy is going away, its just my typedy typing is also going to be typing away for JAK'D Union.

"What in the world is JAK'D Union?"

JAK'D Union is a Feed The Beast community server that has been founded by myself, Alex Thornthwaite, Kenneth Barnett and Dave Collins, and ironically JAK'D as you may have caught on now, is the beginning initials of the four founders.

"So what the hell is Feed The Beast?"

Feed The Beast is a multi-modded minecraft client...which to put it in simpler terms, is minecraft, but with loads of mods already installed, and this modded game is called Feed The Beast, which has it's own launcher.

"Feed The Beast is like...minecraft 2, NO! minecraft 3! caus tekkit is like minecraft 2...yeah" - Kenneth Barnett

"So if I want to play it, what do I have to do?"

So what you would do is download the FTB client on their main website: Download Feed The Beast Here Reader!

Then once you have installed it, and got it all setup, you simply join our server by entering our server address into the multiplayer tab: JAKDUnion.nn.pe:25583 

What JAK'D Union Offers...

Whats great about joining JAK'D union and playing on our server, is that first of all, its free. Secondly whatever you build, can be shown publicly with others on our Facebook page AND our server website, so you may get fame for a glorious build!...that is if you want it, if you want to remain a secret then thats also fine.


If you really love it that much and want to contribute to the running and maintenance of the server, you are more than welcome to donate to JAK'D Union, and in return you will receive some excellent incentive items as a donator, more information on that will follow.

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