Weekly Changy

Weekly Changy

Saturday 25 May 2013

Weekly Changy Joins Forces With JAK'D Union.

This isn't actually breaking news, as this occurred on the 21st of April, but still its news alright!

"But what does this mean?"

Do not fear, Its not as like the Weekly Changy is going away, its just my typedy typing is also going to be typing away for JAK'D Union.

"What in the world is JAK'D Union?"

JAK'D Union is a Feed The Beast community server that has been founded by myself, Alex Thornthwaite, Kenneth Barnett and Dave Collins, and ironically JAK'D as you may have caught on now, is the beginning initials of the four founders.

"So what the hell is Feed The Beast?"

Feed The Beast is a multi-modded minecraft client...which to put it in simpler terms, is minecraft, but with loads of mods already installed, and this modded game is called Feed The Beast, which has it's own launcher.

"Feed The Beast is like...minecraft 2, NO! minecraft 3! caus tekkit is like minecraft 2...yeah" - Kenneth Barnett

"So if I want to play it, what do I have to do?"

So what you would do is download the FTB client on their main website: Download Feed The Beast Here Reader!

Then once you have installed it, and got it all setup, you simply join our server by entering our server address into the multiplayer tab: JAKDUnion.nn.pe:25583 

What JAK'D Union Offers...

Whats great about joining JAK'D union and playing on our server, is that first of all, its free. Secondly whatever you build, can be shown publicly with others on our Facebook page AND our server website, so you may get fame for a glorious build!...that is if you want it, if you want to remain a secret then thats also fine.


If you really love it that much and want to contribute to the running and maintenance of the server, you are more than welcome to donate to JAK'D Union, and in return you will receive some excellent incentive items as a donator, more information on that will follow.

Wednesday 15 May 2013

The Weekly Changy University Awards

Guess What?

Yep! I have finished University.

And what a better way to round it all off with my official Weekly Changy University Awards.

You may think to yourself: "Golly! three years has certainly gone fast right?" I do sometimes think this, then I look back at some my own posts, where I discuss the stressful times and comical times of University life, and I then think "Wow, that was ages ago!"

"So what or whom are you awarding? and what for?"

I am awarding people, past projects, past social and lecture events, from my personal opinion, beliefs and experiences.

Let's get started!

P.S The more important awards are last.

Working Part Time During University

Most stupid question from a member:
"What time dya shut?"

"Half past 8."
"And, then what happens?"


This had to be the most stupid, I mean I do get other stupid questions but this wins it.

Most awkward moment with a member:

The award goes to the moment an oldish man was exiting the warehouse, and as I greeted him as usual, his response was:

"I'm better now that I have seen your beautiful face..."

Totally was not expecting it, and all I could do was just hand him back his receipt and simply say thanks. Must of looked odd, as I didn't look at him after that comment until he left.

Most helpful employee:

Lisa Towers, my supervisor. Lisa has always helped me out with giving me extra time off to finish work and has been able to meet some of my needs for time off for university work and to attend night outs.

Clubbing Events During University

Most eventful clubbing night:

This goes to the Godskitchen Halloween Special.

This was not really for the event itself, more of the post events. This was the night where in the morning I awoken to a lost wallet, a spare bedroom that had sick in a box and Nuclear Physicist sleeping inside, a Dave Collins encampment in the living room, and sick in a pint glass in the kitchen. Later that day I also received an angry phone call from a cab driver in Birmingham, because I booked one and never showed. Bad me.

Most drunken clubbing night:

The award goes to the OTR 5th Birthday in Sheffield.

Unfortunately there is video evidence to prove how drunk I was this night. The video explains it more that what you read now, lets just put it that way.

Most surprising great clubbing night:

Not very well explained, but I will none the less.

The award goes to the Chibuku night at The Masque.

This starred 2manydjs, Felix Da Housecat, Roni Size, Shy FX & DJ Hype. What made this night surprisingly great was the last minute news of knowing that the good ol'Bond brothers were attending with their team of creative interesting friends. What topped the night as a great, was to have met (briefly) Felix Da Housecat after his set. A night to remember.

Lectures Throughout University

Worst lecture to turn up late:

This definitely had to be awarded to History & Industries, with mostly Rhona Jackson.

I think it was called that anyway. This lecture was in 1st year, and had more than 50 students inside this lecture hall, and I recall turning up 5-10 minutes late 2-3 times, and all you get when you would enter, is the sudden shock of 50+ glaring eyes and then for the obvious statement from Rhona which would be: "Your Late.", Duh. 

Most tiring lecture:

The award goes to...Photography in the Media. Simply because it was not really practical and it was a late evening lecture. The day of this lecture would also see me up very early for work and so I was constantly tired when attending this lecture.

Most boring lecture:

Digital Publishing 1. 
ONLY the 1st year lecture, the 2nd year lecture was a lot better for me. This was another late lecture, that always had the lights off and the room was lit from all the computer screens. This was a lecture that wouldn't get through to me, and every time I attended, I was just waiting to finish. 

Most educational lecture:

This is tie! the two lectures go to: Media Law & Media Ethics.

Not only was these lectures entertaining, but I also found to have learnt a lot from them amongst other lectures that I attended. Both gave me interesting insight into another side of the Media industry that must be known if to work in this field of industry.

Lecturers in university

Most intelligent lecturer:

Nathan Hunt.

Whenever I would speak to him in tutorials and even in lectures, he seemed to come across as the most intellectual and the most intelligent. His constant use of terms such as 'Notion' and 'Context' and 'Media Text' and best of all "Contextual".

Most laid back lecturer:

Andy Martindale

By far the most laid back. Andy's Monday morning lectures of Radio Production Skills were by far the most easiest and most relaxing and easy going lecture. Most discussions in the lecture were off topic of radio and more debates on technology, culture, social policies and sexual innuendo's.

Most oddest & complicated lecturer:


Double award goes to: Colin Dyter & Michael Dyer.

Colin Dyter
Introduction into Professional Writing. This was in the 1st year, and my god was it strange and comical. Colin attempted to lure some of us into pursuing professional writing lectures in the following years. Indeed he did succeed with some students, however from my perspective, all he did was teach off topic subjects and have terrible hearing when anyone spoke aloud. What made him more odd, was his looks. To describe, only using words, his legs, torso and arms were small, but his hands, his feet and his head were abnormally massive.

Michael Dyer
Mike lectured the Television Production 2 module, and he can be best described as marmite. Some people liked him, others hated  him, and like marmite, Im strangely half and half, which was what my opinion of Mike was. He was very nice to talk to, and funny when discussing off topics such as the Gaza Strip, but when it came down to the work, he was often not entirely helpful. 

Overall Best Lecturer:

Award goes to Tony Delahunty.

For his lectures of Media Law & Media Ethics, two modules I thought were going to be awfully boring and long winded, ended up to be very educational and he made it very entertaining in almost every lecture. 

Students in University

The awards everyone reading this has probably been waiting for, lets get to it. The awards that aren't on very serious subjects but oh well, enjoy:

Top student swearer:

The award goes to... James Dye.

A chap that stated every swear word since I've known him, even the word that my mother hates, but I will not state it.

Best sounding laughter:

Lewis Carter.

Just make him laugh and you'll find out for yourself!

Best impersonations:

James Chew!

With his multiple American accents and old man voice, this man is made radio.

Most social student:

This is a double award, the awards go to: Nathan Rodger & Steve Simpson.

Two guys that, from my perspective, got a long with everyone and anyone, and not a bad word from me to speak of them.

Top student that made you contemplate reality: 

Henry Gorse... enough said.

Trendiest student:

Award goes to Stevie Greaves.
A chap that at anytime, would always look his best, no matter what lecture. 

Best student drinking partner:

The award goes to Kenneth Barnett.

With him even spiking my drink, the drinking sessions were most memorable.

Most student seen out in a Derby night out:

Marcus Bonnick gets the award for this, 2nd place (if there is one) would be Natalie Pelling. Upon seeing Marcus, he would always be more drunk than me every time, and always happy to see me.

My final award does not go to one person, but to many, as this is my award of: (Don't take it by offence if you don't see your name here...just prove me wrong instead!)

Most likely student to be successful/get a media career:

Marcus Bonnick
Azz Mohammed
Natalie Pelling
Stevie Greaves
Tyrone Wright
Danielle Lee
Henry Gorse

So if you didn't see your name....Challenge accepted, right?