Weekly Changy

Weekly Changy

Sunday 22 June 2014

Sneak Peak

Hello Everyone

Yes I know, It's been a long long while. I feel now is a good time to update you all on my previous work. I don't really wish to speak about my current and future work, as it's all up in the air at the moment. Nothing is certain.

What I can tell you though, is that I have been busy to the point where the Weekly Changy has practically been abandoned until typing again on this post. Which is a shame to be fair as I do take enjoyment in rambling to you all.

So from finishing University, I can state the obvious and tell you that, like practically everyone else, I have been in search of work. Whilst doing that I have also been working on my major solo project, where since the last post which was posted in January, I can thankfully say that I have made a considerable amount of progress on it. 

Although with that in mind, I have recently slumped in the progress of it because other work related circumstances (not my part time job work by the way!). It's still not ready to the point where I wish to announce it to you, but I can show you the progress of some of it.

So as you can see, this is only some of it. So there's a lot to go through.

Aside from my project I can confirm to you all that I have been searching for all types of opportunities, and some have come and gone. Previously about 1-2 months ago, I actually went quiet...not a lot was happening, and because of that I got this instant fear that nothing was going to happen, and so I picked up the pace in searching for opportunities.

As a result of that I received the annoying dilemma where you don't hear anything a while, and then all of the sudden everyone gets back to you wanting your services.

What also hasn't helped is that in my 'part' time job, we are severely under-staffed and so I am having to do full time hours whilst trying to fit other work around it. Recently I can tell you that I didn't have a full day off for approximately 8-9 days. 

I am standing on a tightrope, juggling various jobs whilst trying dodge jumping tigers and having to jump through fire circles. Thats the best way of me describing to you what I've been like recently. 

Before I stop typing and resume other work, I can also tell you that amongst all of that, I am still making music.

 I haven't released any in a while, but do not worry (if you ever were). I have two complete tracks and two more that are still to be worked on.

I am sat here, pretty tired but also excited, as I am to attend Hideout festival next week and I fly out a week today. This is something else I have been preparing for. I am to go with no one better than Dave Collins, and before you ask, YES, I will be writing a review(s) of my time there, as I'm sure it will be eventful.

I can imagine the next post will be a Hideout review so until then,
I'll speak to you soon.

With Love,

James Chang