Weekly Changy

Weekly Changy

Tuesday 13 August 2013

From Liverpool Down to West Ham as Downing signs on.

*This is post is an example to show evidence of sports journalism article writing skills.*

West Ham United have announced the signing of Stewart Downing from Liverpool. 

The England International has signed a four-year deal with the club, believed to be in the region of £6 Million.

The former Middlesbrough youngster, now 29 years old will wear the number 23 shirt for the hammers. Downing had this to say on his arrival to the club:

"Very excited, it's a great opportunity for me here, the club, and a good manager to work under and Im really excited to get going now."

Talking on the West Ham Website, Downing could be having his debut against Cardiff City on the 17th of August.

"Im ready, Im fit, Im well, I've played a few decent games for Liverpool in pre-season so there should be no problems on that part."

With Downing now apart of the West Ham squad, that makes Downing the 3rd Liverpool player to make the switch to the Boleyn Ground this year. 

Various Liverpool fans have responded to the move as a good change the merseyside club:


Image:  http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b1/Stewart_Downing_Liverpool_vs_Bolton.jpg/220px-Stewart_Downing_Liverpool_vs_Bolton.jpg

Downing Quotes:


Twitter Quotes:


Other Parts Of Media

So, going on from the last post, you may have read that I was not doing too well in terms of creative thinking and inspiration.

I can confirm that I have began getting out of this (I'll call) 'mood' and I have now started to resume almost where I left off. This 'mood' is still somewhat affecting me still, but not as much as it was. 

Strangely enough, as I walk on the thin line that is my degree to career path, I can't help but notice my interests are beginning to set in motion other media interests I assumed I was not going to go into or be bothered, and so this path is starting to have multiple different paths now.

The meaning from my 'trippy' description is, that I am starting to get interested in other parts of media I thought I wasn't going to pursue nor even try to work under.

Although I type posts in my blog, I've never really seen myself pursuing any type of job that would require me to type posts professionally such as journalism. I always thought of the Weekly Changy to be more of something to do and report to you in my spare time, but Ive never really considered it to be a job. Now that university is over however, I can't help but think, whether I could type up articles for a magazine or something? just to get the ball rolling.
I wouldn't say Im a literate person nor would I say I am a grammar master to be able to type up articles all the time, but who knows.

Another completely different side to what I've been taught in my degree is music making. To the delight of Dave Collins (aka Ion Daemon) when he eventually reads this, I have recently found the urge to begin music making. By music making I mean attempting to make dance music tracks. 
What genre? I have no idea, whatever Im good at I guess. The only problem I have with this notion of making music, on the computer (through ableton) is that I don't have a clue as to what all the music technology terms mean and what they do. I've only recently learnt what the 'filter' does and what the 'Gater' and 'Flanger' does to tracks, as for practically everything else, I haven't the faintest idea. One thing I do know though, is the piano. I have learnt that I can create new chords and synths very easily, but I just can't can't carry on from that.
In terms of equipment, I have my mac, and a 49 key MIDI keyboard. I am unsure whether this is all I really need to begin making tracks. 
If I am to work on my first track, whatever it will be, If I can make one, that is around 3 minutes +, then I will be satisfied and will go on to continue. I have more ideas and plans that surround this trend, but it all depends on whether I can make the tracks that I audibly envision in my mind (if audibly is a word). I know everyone has their own way of 'getting there' and their own way of making music, but to be honest I feel that I am dipping my toe into the pond of music making, and so far have found nothing for me to go on, apart from being able to make chords and synths spontaneously and easily.

Other News:

JAK'D Union Closes It's Server.

As you may have or may not have known, I wasn't only typing posts for the Weekly Changy. I was also part of the JAK'D Union, that was a FTB Server and I was typing articles and PR's for the players and events surrounding the players on the server. 

However due to a large time period of inactivity, the JAK'D Union have cancelled and closed the server.

During my time of being in Skiathos, moving to the flat, and having no Internet for a while, there was also a large patch of post inactivity too. Over this period also saw a mass decrease in players signing onto the server, and so all members of JAK'D Union felt the closure of the server, to be the best decision. 
So for those who never saw such extravagant constructions such as Hudson1911's naval vessel, RamothV's tower, Piceas1's Bank (and maze but I never even saw that!), Ionzor and Hudson1911's prison, then Im afraid you will never see them. 

Thursday 1 August 2013

The Fear of The Decline Into Working Order

If there was to be a new horror film to come out in the cinema's now, a horror film with this as the subject would terrify me, as it is scaring me right now.

As I stand on the edge of the cliff,  I look up through the kaleidoscope of my future, and I can't help but notice that I could fall off the cliff into the future of working order.

As University has practically finished for me, my supervisor at work instantly noted this, and increased my hours by 35-40 hours. This is something I didn't want, however because of the increase of pay fortnightly, this has helped in getting new furniture for my new unfurnished flat. 

The big problem for me because of this, is the decline of creative ideas. My working order from work, home, back to work and home again, is killing my creative thinking. I seem to be doing the same things when I get back to the flat and my time to think of ideas and work on my personal work has diminished.

There are two certain factors about my situation that are to blame for this issue I have between me and my brain:


Virgin Media

Since I have moved into my new flat, I simply wanted to transfer my internet services from my old house to the new flat. I found out however, I had cable services from Virgin, and at this new property, I could only go National (through the phone line basically). From this, I got on the phone to Virgin Media about this and setup the switch, they then told me about receiving a text on the 'confirmation' of the switch being successful and the services being 'activated' so it was ready to use. 

"So how long will this take?"
I said on the phone, her response:
"You will receive a text on the date, it usually takes between 7-14 days."
"Oh, right, okay" (hope its only 7 days) I thought.

Then I finally received my text on confirmation, then as you will see, I received another text after the long wait to hear more annoying news:

Do take note on the dates the messages was sent. 

So, I was without internet for this long, and some might think 'Huh, thats not too long, surely you would be fine?' WRONG!
Without internet for this long almost drove me to insanity, and so with no Internet I was not online with the world, and so my working order routine was started from not having any Internet. I would also like to clarify that this screen shot was taken as I am typing this post, and so I have Internet now, that is why you can see the WiFi symbol at the top.
On the 17th of July, once my services had finally been activated, I then learned that my new flat complex does not have Fibre Optics yet, and so having internet through the telephone line means I have been receiving 3mb Internet, which is scandalous since I was paying for a Superhub that meant I was receiving 27mb (supposed to be 30 but oh well).

2. Work

As you've already heard, my hours have rapidly increased which has led me to be doing 2 hours under full time status. Obviously this is primarily to blame. In this section of blame, I would like to state of the way my hours have increased to develop this problem. Because I thankfully had already booked time off for festivals and general holidays, they couldn't stop me from not going to work, however this was the same for everyone on my department. So with this in mind, our department began (and still is) getting understaffed. 
So my hours increased dramatically, however before heading off on holiday and festivals, because we were/are understaffed, this led to me having to work 7 full days straight, and another 6 days straight. 

All mixed 8 hour shifts, from 6am to 2:30pm, 8am to 4:30pm, 12:30pm to 9pm.

This style of working, mixed in with no Internet at the flat, has been the recipe for the decline into working order, and the diminishing of creative thinking. 

 A light at the end of the tunnel?

So from having Internet back into my life again, my creativeness is extremely slowly crawling back. It's strange, my creative thinking stretches from my own personal work, to games I play on, such as Minecraft/Tekkit/FTB. I mean Ive started playing it again since the return of my Internet (I know what your thinking right now, you don't need Internet to play them? WELL I have my own Tekkit Server that I am preparing) When returning on to it for the first time, there was no creative thought for what to build, my mind was blank, and that was scary.
Aside from playing that, my creative thinking is slowly returning, but it's absence has really hindered my drive to do anything, so as you can probably imagine, I haven't really been great in the past 2-3 weeks. The only true release from working order and all troubles was the glorious return to the festival Global Gathering.

Instead of the usual company of Dave Collins and Dr Thornthwaite, I had the pleasure to have Abigail Armstrong, Lauren Armstrong and James Hamilton along side me to witness such great live acts. If you went then I hope you also enjoyed yourselves, as I did. Although it rained for the first time. This did not hinder our spirits. The top live acts I witnessed had to be as follows:
5. Orjan Nilsen
4. Richard Durand
3. Disclosure
2. Zedd

All YouTube highlights will be available on my channel, soon...Once I finish uploading everything else that is in the queue (it appears I am behind):