Weekly Changy

Weekly Changy

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Chang: "Im An Idiot, for this."

Greetings everyone, the very very first thing to report to you is how bad I feel for not updating recent events, that have happened to me. 

This is mainly because, when it comes to deciding to blog, you have to be in the mood to type out the events of yourself. For me, I have to be 'Feelin' it' to be able to report to you. 

As you have probably guessed I have not been 'Feelin' it' for a while... there have been reasons, reasons you may not think qualify for not having your dosage of Weekly Changy but they are my reasons.

Whats really been taking my full attention away from the outside world is a game... Sounds pathetic right, but you know, this can happen to some people. I have been fully addicted to playing Tekkit. So much so, that I had (until recently) fallen behind on the basics of stuff that needed to be done. If you are reading this and you have ever been addicted to a game, you will know how it feels, at least this is a type of addiction that is not as harsh to my health as drugs or alcohol. 

This is not the Tekkit mod, but this is/was also what was taking away my full attention. What your looking at right there an aerial picture of the town that is known as 'Arivia' on our multiplayer server on Minecraft. This was partially one of the main reasons for the lack of posts. 

Tekkit is Minecraft, but with several Mods pre-installed. Often known as 'Minecraft 2', Tekkit takes Minecaft to the next level. With lots of more interesting items and machines and 'things' to do. One highlight is the introduction of the Nuke. Upon hearing that there is nukes on the game, Dave Collins had the need to do some research on this item, and this is his findings:

So to conclude his research, they make big holes... and there fun to use.

Now Ladies and Gents, 
this next bit is in relation to the title of this post. 

This is the first of three events to report to you. This event happened about 1 & 1/2 weeks ago, and to best tell you, I am not only going to tell you what I did, but also what I was thinking at the time, because this event was so crazy, I still remember it now.

I am in my house, playing on Fifa 12. The End... 

Jokes, anyway there I was, I was all alone in the house as Abigail had returned home to Wednesbury for a couple of days. It was about 9:05pm. 
I head upstairs to begin another session of Tekkit to ease my addiction, and to chat to Kenneth Barnett on Skype. I receive a text from Abigail, stating that she is going on a night out in Wednesbury/Walsall at 10pm and so on, Im about to start gaming until I remember that I wanted play some music files that were on my USB to Kenneth through Skype, I turn around and look in my bag but theres no sign of it. I think to myself of where I put it last or when I last saw it. If you have memory like me, you won't be able to find it by yourself, you'll have to have someone else look for you, because I am simply terrible at remembering where I put things and always need someone else to look for me.
Anyway all I can remember is that when I last got into my car to drive, the USB was around my neck on a lanyard. So I decide to go and have a look in the car. 
Without gearing up for going outside, I simply just head to the door, because the car is right outside on the street. Since my house on a main road, I was cautious of leaving the door open whilst I am getting something out of my car, and so I open the door to see no one around, and I step out to my car.
Just so no one randomly looks in, I swing the door so the door won't look like it's open, as I pull it I turn around and go to unlock the car door. I hear a slam.... I look back around, and the door is fully closed. 

I then murmur "Oh Shit." 

So... In an instant, I begin thinking of different options of getting into the house.

House Keys? 
Nope, didn't have them on me when I went out.

Any Windows open?
Yes only one, and that is the bathroom window, but it is on a lock. Also the window would be suitable to climb through if you were 20cm in height, but not any bigger.

Back door open?
Nope, locked.

Ring landlord... at 9:00pm at night?
Nope, didn't have them on me when I went out.

In total I did not have the following:

House keys

In total I did have the following:

Sufficient clothing
Car keys

What now?
I then thought of the options... 

I could sleep in the car?
Nope, can't do that as I need to get back in the house the next day to get my packed belongings for Creamfields, and Abigail won't be 
back in Derby until after Creamfields.

Stay at a Hotel for the night, then sort it in the morning?
Nope, can't do that as I have no money with me.

Ring Abigail and see if she has a good idea?
Nope, can't do that as I have no phone on me.

Drive to Wednesbury to get Abigail's keys?
Nope, can't do that as I didn't know the way there.

My last option was to drive to Kenneth's house and explain my situation. At this moment I do wonder if anyone saw me. I must have been just standing there for about 3 minutes just thinking/panicking. So I get in the car and drive, with no shoes, to Kenneth's house.

When getting there I explain the situation, and state that:

 "Im an idiot, for this."

I manage to ring Abigail via Seon's phone, and ask if it would be possible to come and get her keys. With a yes, I also had to get there before 10:00pm for she was going out. Since I did not know how to get there, I was kindly able to print out directions, and acquire shoes, and a passenger, Kenneth Barnett.

We set off at 9:20pm from Derby to Wednesbury. What made this drive interesting is that we were going in the dark, and we were both going somewhere where we had no idea how to get to, and because of all the chatter, we missed 1 or 2 directions. This proved costly as (even to this day) we do not really know where we went. At some point we were driving through Walsall, noticing a lot of children out on the streets for reasons unknown. After 10pm we were still in progress of getting Abigail's house, we managed to see a sign that said Wednesbury, and so this eventually got us close enough to Abigail. After a phone call from her we managed to find her house. 
When it came to finally arriving and greeting Abigail and her friends we then realised that there were no directions for getting back. So we took directions off Abigail once again to get onto the M6, which would be enough to get us home as I knew my way once on the M6, the only consolation was that it was a longer route. The rest is all history... as in the end, I got home eventually, at 11:50pm.

Morale of this?
Just don't get locked out of your house.
If your going outside for anything, always take your house keys.
The End.