Weekly Changy

Weekly Changy

Saturday 7 July 2012

Hibernation Time

Right now I want to tell you a million things to report to you right this instant, but the thing is I cant.

This will probably be the shortest post ever, but that's because I do not have much time.

Very briefly, I report to you not in my new house, but in the University Library, and if you are reading this whilst in the Kedleston library I bid thee hello!

My main announcement for this post that the Weekly Changy will be going into hibernation for a while. Not because I have nothing to say, but merely because of the new property that I have moved into. The new property is very nice! but like I was concerned in the previous post, I would be without Internet for a couple of days. This is not the case unfortunately. I have set up a new broadband with a company that will not be named, but they tell me that the earliest time to install my landline and set up my broadband will be the Monday 3rd September. Yep, you guessed, a long time. As chilling as that may sound, I am pleased to tell you that I have not gone insane yet. The next few weeks/months will be incredibly testing for me.
Having no internet does things to you. Your less informed about events around the world, and the people in your life. I mean just ask Dave Collins, when he had no internet for a couple of days he ended up watching every single Harry Potter film in one day, and that was just in one day.

There is light at the end of the tunnel

Yes I may be in a situation where a lot of you reading this would not like to be in, and would be terrified in thinking what else you could do, however I have been blessed with being virtuous.

As previously stated, I was going to be working on a track, but I also mentioned being heavily distracted by many other things that involved using the Internet. Now that I have no Internet, all I have at the moment is music, and music making. So ladies and gents, it gives me great pleasure to announce that I am back on track with making music, so much so that I am on course to make more than one track. It is unknown when I will be finished, but hopefully round about the time I receive Internet. So in my final last words I bid thee goodbye for now, and I shall speak to you all in September.

Have a Lovely Summer.

Weekly Changy, x